Dateline NBC, the much-watched true crime show, showed the jaw-dropping and spine-chilling abduction story of Eduardo Valseca on the 27th of May (Friday), 2022. The Episode, titled The Ranch focuses on the case and how it changed the life of his wife, Jayne Rager Valseca, and their three children.
The official synopsis of the episode of Dateline NBC reads:
"Three siblings' lives change when their father is taken hostage in an orchestrated abduction. For the first time, they open up to Keith Morrison about their ordeal and its stunning conclusion."
Let's dig deeper to discover what happened to Eduardo Valseca's wife, Jayne Rager Valseca, as Dateline NBC revisits her husband's heart-wrenching kidnapping and astounding survival story.
Know all about Jayne Rager Valseca as Dateline NBC revisits her husband's jaw-dropping kidnapping and survival story
What happened to Jayne Rager Valseca?
Jayne Rager Valseca was the wife of Eduardo Valseca and was the mother of their three children- two boys and one girl. They led a very healthy and happy life until an unbelievably terrible incident took place in their lives in 2007.
Jayne Rager Valseca and her husband Eduardo Valseca were on their way after dropping their kids off at school when Eduardo Valseca was kidnapped, changing their lives forever.
Eduardo Valseca was allegedly tortured immensely as the kidnappers beat him and shot him twice in the arm and leg. Pictures of her wounded husband were reportedly sent to Jayne Rager Valseca throughout several months of negotiations regarding the ransom.
However, her husband, Eduardo Valseca, survived all these tortures and made it back home after nearly seven and a half months. But Jayne's husband was not the same upon his return after being tortured for so long.
Jayne was one rare person who found a more profound sense of gratitude even after such a heart-wrenching incident.
Carol Gable, the Dateline NBC Producer, said in a statement, talking about Jayne Rager Valseca:
"As a Dateline producer, I’ve met many people who have gone through a personal crisis. Some are left, understandably, broken and bitter. But others, like Jayne Rager Valseca, seemed to find a deeper sense of love and gratitude. Jayne simply refused to let her ordeal define her. During Eduardo’s captivity she continued to guide and support the Waldorf School she founded on her ranch for underprivileged children. She also celebrated her own children’s birthdays and other holidays so that their lives would be as normal as possible. In order to produce the Dateline show, Jayne and her family had to open up their lives to us. Over the course of several months, we spent a lot of time with the Valseca family."
How did Jayne Rager Valseca die?
Reportedly, throughout the entire abduction crisis of her husband, Eduardo Valseca, Jayne Rager Valseca was going through a different kind of life-threatening issue. She was apparently in fragile remission from inflammatory breast cancer at stage 4.
Towards the very end of her husband's ordeal, she had a strong instinct that her cancer would make a return. Jayne was unfortunately correct with her intuition.
Unfortunately, just two weeks after her husband's return home from abduction, she received the heartbreaking news of her cancer's return. The cancer was most possibly terminal.
There were moments when Jayne wanted to give up on her life, but she fought till the very end, thinking of her husband and children. Unfortunately, she passed away in 2012 at the age of 45.
Since its arrival, the Episode of Dateline NBC has been getting a lot of attention from viewers. Don't forget to catch the latest installment, episode titled The Ranch of Dateline NBC, released on the 27th of May, 2022.