Dateline: Secrets Uncovered, the highly intriguing and popular true-crime show will revisit and explore the astounding and quite heart-wrenching murder story of U.S. Army Captain Lynn Armstrong Reister in Season 10's Episode 61, which is all set to make its debut on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, at 8:00 PM, exclusively on Oxygen.
As stated by the official synopsis for the Dateline: Secrets Uncovered episode, which has been titled, 'Deadly Devotion':
"Members of the military risk their lives every day, and in the muscular army world, a woman was a commander who cared; news of her murder is met with pure shock because, in a place where loyalty is prized, one clue reveals a breathtaking betrayal."
Dating back to 2001, the murder case was quite rattling. Allegedly, Captain Lynn Armstrong Reister was inhumanly stabbed to death by her brother-in-law Rodney Reister on the instruction of his brother and Lynn Armstrong's husband Roger Raymond Reister.
Since the official synopsis for the Dateline: Secrets Uncovered episode was released, the audience is buzzing with anticipation to see how the spine-chilling murder case will turn out.
Dateline: Secrets Uncovered asks: Who is the cold-blooded murderer of Captain Lynn Armstrong Reister?

Reportedly, a civilian, Rodney Reister, who was 25 years old at the time and was Captain Lynn Armstrong Reister's brother-in-law, ruthlessly murdered Lynn Armstrong, who was 30 years of age at the time and was six-months pregnant with her second child with husband Roger Raymond Reister.
However, it was her 27-year-old husband and father of her 4-year-old son, Roger Raymond Reister, who commanded his brother to kill her six-month pregnant wife.
On May 24, 2001, Captain Lynn's life reportedly came to an end tragically when her brother-in-law horrifyingly stabbed her to death. The dreadful incident took place in the married couple's bedroom of their house in El Paso, Texas.
According to court reports, Roger Raymond Reister was having a romantic relationship outside of his marriage with a 20-year-old woman named April Lamphere. Reportedly, April Lamphere was pregnant with Roger's child at the time.

Allegedly, Roger feared that he would be severely punished for adultery by the Army. He was worried that Lynn Armstrong Reister, the victim, and his wife would get full custody of their 4-year-old son during the divorce process. These were the reasons reportedly behind his henious plan to end his wife's life.
As stated by Rodney Reister, his brother Roger offered to pay him a portion of $250,000, which he intended to collect from his wife's insurance policy, for the brutal murder of his pregnant wife Lynn Armstrong Reister.
Where are Roger Raymond Reister and Rodney Reister now?

Roger Raymond Reister was reportedly arrested and convicted on four accounts for facilitating and arranging the murder of his wife Lynn Armstrong Reister. Roger Raymond Reister pleaded guilty and received a sentence of lifetime behind bars.
Rodney Reister, Roger's brother, was also found guilty of committing the murder of his sister-in-law at the command of his brother and was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment.
Currently, both are serving their prison time.
Catch Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Season 10 Episode 61: 'Deadly Devotion', debuting this Wednesday, July 6, 2022, at 8.00 PM exclusively on Oxygen.