David and the Elves is the English dubbed version of Michał Rogalski's Polish film Dawid i Elfy. The heartfelt Christmas film follows the adventures of 11-year-old David along with his friend Albert the elf, communicating the lost spirit of Christmas and how to revive it.
The film stars Cyprian Gabrowski as David and Jakub Zajac as Albert the elf. Other cast members of David and the Elves include Cezary Żak, Monika Krzywkowska, Anna Smołownik, and Michał Czernecki. It was released on Netflix on December 6 and is now available to watch.
'David and the Elves' synopsis
The plot of David and the Elves follows an endearingly naive 11-year-old David who believes in the Christmas myth of Santa and the elves and other magical creatures. His Christmas wish is to meet an elf that soon comes true as a jaded and overworked elf named Albert descends amidst humans to celebrate Christmas.
Albert had been warned by Santa himself that it was best to stay away from the ill-natured humans, but Albert learns it the hard way. He tried his best to mingle with the humans and revive the Christmas spirit but to no effect. His elf battery starts running out due to the cheerlessness of humans, eventually turning him into a lifeless figurine.
Fortunately, while Albert struggles to find love and humanity, David has plenty to spare. He rescues Albert by taking him to his grandparents' house and bringing him true Christmas cheer. Thus, David and the Elves conveys the very important message of having love, companionship, and joy to celebrate Christmas and life in general.
Are all of us turning into lifeless figurines during holidays?
David and the Elves sheds light on the forlorn Christmas and other holidays people have settled into due to the rise of individualism in this fast-paced world. The movie shows contrasting settings – David's grandparents' house in a small town and the big city of Warsaw. The former is where people still celebrate holidays like Christmas surrounded by loved ones, and the latter is where people are too self-involved and busy to rejoice in the holiday spirit.
11-year-old David is naive enough to still believe in the magic and miracles of Christmas while the adults have all become spiritless and too consumed by their work. It seems as though all of us are too busy getting ahead in this rat race called capitalism that we have forgotten how to revel in joyous occasions. People often don't spend time with their families anymore and lead an aloof existence. David and the Elves brings about this realization and begs the question of whether the dying elf resembles the dying childhood and cheerfulness in all of us.
The film shows the importance of having love, friendship, faith, humanity, and kinship to truly enjoy Christmas and life in general. This heartwarming film with a beautiful message can be watched by families together as they appreciate each other's presence during this holiday season.