The Days of Our Lives characters' lives in Salem turned upside down in the episodes that aired from January 29 to February 2, 2024. Fans witnessed Everett making a confession to Stephanie, setting the stage for a wild adventure for the duo. Marlena's search for the truth, on the other hand, had Steve on a risky mission to find John.
Things got intense when Kate confronted Harris. This led to a heartfelt reunion with her estranged son, Lucas. Elsewhere, Alex and Theresa played Truth or Dare, which blurred the lines between desire and danger.
The episodes that released from January 29 to February 2, 2024, were full of chaos. They featured shocking discoveries as alliances shifted and several secrets came to light.
Days of Our Lives recap for the week from January 29 to February 2, 2024
Monday, January 29, 2024
Everett's confession to Stephanie revealed his hidden desires. Elsewhere, Marlena's search for the truth led Steve on a dangerous adventure to find John. However, Konstantin was the one who held the key to uncovering The Pawn's mysterious history.
Meanwhile, Kate's confrontation with Harris exposed several layers of lies. This ultimately led to a heartwarming reunion with her estranged son, Lucas. Amid all the chaos, Alex and Theresa played a risky game of Truth or Dare.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Paulina experienced a wide range of emotions and turned to her loved ones for comfort. Leo saw Stephanie sneak out of Everett's house. Leo's discovery, on the other hand, caused chaos as Steve dealt with the threat of Konstantin.
In this episode, Ava got involved in a heated argument with Stefan. Their intense feelings left fans wondering what would happen next in Days of Our Lives.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
As wedding preparations continued, family tensions put a damper on the romantic atmosphere. For instance, when Johnny asked Chad to help with the wedding, they ended up having a huge argument about loyalty and family legacy.
Meanwhile, Xander went on a mission to find EJ, and Alex's jealousy caused a lot of drama. Despite everyone celebrating Roman's commitment to his job, a sense of uncertainty lingered in Salem.
Thursday, February 1, 2024
The unexpected arrival of some unwanted guests caused chaos in Sloan and Eric's new relationship. Lucas's relentless search for the truth ended in a tense fight with Chad and Everett. This incident on Days of Our Lives broke the trust between them.
Brady, on the other hand, got caught up with Theresa's work problems. Maggie's secret plans set the stage for drama at Titan.
Friday, February 2, 2024
Brady and Theresa shared a special moment as they took a trip down memory lane. Elsewhere, a regular dinner party escalated into a chaotic situation. Konstantin got hurt, and Stefan and Ava found themselves entangled in intense emotions of love and sadness.
Final thoughts
With these events, another week in Salem came to an end and things are about to get more interesting in the upcoming episodes of Days of Our Lives. Fans are now eager to see how the narrative unfolds as Konstantin causes trouble for John and Steve and drugs wreak havoc in the town.
Things will soon get messier as more surprises await fans in the upcoming episodes of Peacock's Days of Our Lives.