Ascendant shards are important consumables in Destiny 2. They are required to upgrade legendary weapons to a masterwork status.
Farming ascendant shards in Destiny 2 can be a real task because these things are very rare and very hard to come by, and the activities which drop these shards frequently are arduous to complete. Players need to be exceptionally skilled and at 1280 power level to complete those activities.
How to farm Ascendant Shards in Destiny 2?
#1 Banshee-44

Banshee-44 is the resident gunsmith for the vanguard in the tower in Destiny 2. This consumable is offered by him and is a little bit on the expensive side. Players will need to complete daily bounties to earn enhancement cores.
Ten enhancement cores can be used to purchase one enhancement prism, and ten enhancement prisms yield one ascendant shard. So, it's an actual grind to get these ascendant shards from Banshee-44 in Destiny 2, but it's actually the easiest way to do it without paying for anything.
#2 Season Pass

The season pass is another way of earning these ascendant shards in Destiny 2. The shards drop at higher ranks, and players will need to grind XP to reach those ranks for the shards to drop.
However, having the free version of the pass won't really help the cause. Players will need to have the premium version of the pass for the ascendant shards to drop.
#3 Nightfall Strikes: The Ordeal

The final and the most difficult way to earn ascendant shards is by completing Nightfall Strikes. Ascendant shards in Destiny 2 drop from this activity when completed on Master difficulty.
This difficulty level comes with a lot of debuffs and can really be hard to complete if players aren't at the pre-requisite power level and lack the skill to handle additional waves of enemies.
Overall, ascendant shards are a very important consumable in the game, although getting them is pretty difficult.