Below Deck Adventure, the latest spin-off of the long-running Bravo show, wrapped up season 1 on January 31, 2023. The first ever season of the show was filled with drama, conflict, and more.
One cast member, Kyle Dickard repeatedly made the news while the show aired, due to his problematic and criminal borderline criminal behavior. He was fired after he threatened Nathan Morley with violence and made unwanted s*xual advances towards Kasie Faddah.
Episodes of Below Deck Adventure season 1 are available to stream on Bravo and Peacock.
Kyle Dickard was given the option to resign from Below Deck Adventure
While Kyle Dickard was one of the most experienced crew members of Below Deck Adventure, it was his actions that led to his termination. His inappropriate and dangerous behavior put him on the unpleasant cast members' list which seems to increase every year.
However, Captain Kerry Titheradge's decision to fire Kyle Dickard was one that people will not forget as they believed it set the bar for no tolerance. Nathan and Kyle always had a rocky relationship, although they were both a part of the exterior crew as well as bunkmates. If anything, their differences only grew. Nathan was constantly uncomfortable with Kyle refusing to flush the toilet.
After the first charter of the season, Nathan returned to the boat earlier than the rest of the crew after noticing that Kyle was getting drunk. He woke up to find that Kyle, in his drunken state, didn't flush the toilet and tried to communicate with him.
However, Kyle aggressively approached the Below Deck Adventure deckhand and asked him if he wanted to tussle. He told him he would "hit" his "pretty face" which didn't sit well with Nathan. The deckhand kept calm, asked Kyle not to speak to him, and left the situation. He confided in the captain about the incident who decided to talk to Kyle about it.
Kyle admitted that he shouldn't have spoken to Nathan in the manner he did and Kerry was appreciative of his honesty. In a confessional, the captain noted that "threats of violence are instant dismissal." However, he added that it goes on the record and affects one career. He added that Kyle made a mistake but later told the truth.
Captain Kerry said:
"He told the truth. And this one mistake shouldn’t affect the rest of his career."
Kyle Dickard's termination was also a result of his being on probation due to his inappropriate actions toward Kasie Faddah. He was placed on probation after he kissed her during a guest outing.
While the guests had encouraged him to kiss her, the Below Deck Adventure stew told the captain that it made her really uncomfortable. At the time, the captain explained to Dickard that he needed to be professional.
Kyle Dickard was arrested soon after being fired
The Below Deck Adventure season 1 cast member remained in the limelight even after he was fired. Not long after the incident, the cast member was arrested in November 2022 after he ran onto a soccer field in Fort Lauderdale, Florida during a game.
According to People Magazine, the former cast member hit a security personnel who tried to apprehend him. He continuously resisted arrest but was eventually placed into custody. However, he allegedly made various offers of bribes to the cops and offered the authorities $300 to let things slide.
Episodes of Below Deck Adventure season 1 are available to stream on Bravo and Peacock.