Die Hart: The Movie, a brand new comedy action movie starring Kevin Hart, made its debut on Friday, February 24, 2023, exclusively on Prime Video. Eric Appel has served as the director of the highly electrifying movie, with Tripper Clancy and Derek Kolstad as writers.
As per the official synopsis for Die Hart: The Movie, given by IMDb:
"[The film] Follows a fictionalized version of Kevin Hart, as he tries to become an action movie star. He attends a school run by Ron Wilcox, where he attempts to learn the ropes on how to become one of the industry's most coveted action stars."
Apart from Kevin Hart, the cast for Die Hart: The Movie also includes Nathalie Emmanuel, John Travolta, Jean Reno, Tyler Antonius, Jason Jones, and several others.
Ever since the movie's arrival on Prime Video, it has already begun to get a lot of positive attention for its refreshing and quirky storyline, impressive acting by the lead cast members and extremely entertaining ending. So, without further ado, let's dive right in and find out how Kevin Hart did become an action hero by the end of Die Hart: The Movie.
Disclaimer: Major spoilers ahead.
The ending of the new Prime Video comedy-action movie Die Hart: The Movie explained
What was Ron Wilcox's training school all about?
The Prime Video movie, Die Hart: The Movie, revolved around a fictional version of fan-favorite comedian and actor Kevin Hart and his desire to become a leading man and action star in Hollywood. Just like in real life, Hart was an established comic actor in the movie. He was known to be a sidekick to the leading men in the film industry, specifically Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock.
After one of his interviews - where he reacted harshly to his reputation of being a comic relief and a sidekick in movies - went viral, a renowned action movie director named Claude Van De Velde offered him a lead role in an action movie. It was a golden opportunity for Hart to prove to the world that he was more than just a comic sidekick and was a real action hero.
However, to be in that particular movie, he had to train at a special training school run by a man named Ron Wilcox. The director told him that all of Hollywood's veteran action stars were former trainees of the school. Kevin Hart accepted the offer and began his training at Wilcox's school.
However, later on in the movie, it was revealed that the school was covered with hidden cameras as it was not a real school but a film set for Claude Van De Velde's new action movie. He hid the facts from Kevin in order to make the movie as realistic as possible.
Was Kevin Hart able to become a lead action hero?
Unaware of what was going on, Kevin Hart kept trying his best to overcome his fears and accept all the challenges that were coming his way. Another actress, Jordan King, joined him in training. In reality, she was cast against Hart in the movie as the leading lady.
Despite several obstacles on his way, Hart did not give up. When he thought that Jordan and his life were in real danger, he found an inner strength and motivation within himself and channelized that to make all the moves that a proper action hero would do.
At the very end of the movie, when Jordan was shot with a fake gun, but he thought it was real, Hart even managed to overcome his fear of heights and jumped a great length to save her. Thus, without knowing, Hart completed filming an exhilarating action movie and became a real action hero in Hollywood.
Don't forget to watch Die Hart: The Movie, which is currently streaming on Prime Video.