The fifth season of Disenchantment premiered on Friday, September 1, and raised the question of whether it will be followed by Disenchantment season 6. The animated series on Netflix follows the adventures of princess Tiabeanie “Bean”, her pet demon Luci, and her companion Elfo. The story covers the mythical medieval kingdom of Dreamland and its neighboring lands fighting a conspiracy.
Created by Matt Groening, the timeline of Disenchantment is past, unlike his other creations as The Simpsons dealt with the present and Futurama covered the future.
The Simpsons is a long-running show and Futurama made a comeback recently. However, despite viewers’ expectations of another long-running show, the series is ending and there will be no Disenchantment season 6.
Fans of the fantasy comedy have been awaiting the continuation of the show and an announcement to the contrary came as a surprise.
While season 5 was declared the final season by the channel, this article explores the reason behind the cancellation of Disenchantment season 6.
Disclaimer: The article may contain the author’s opinion.
There will be no Disenchantment season 6
Netflix made it clear that the fifth season is the last one and viewers should not expect a Disenchantment season 6 to follow. They called the season 5 trailer, Disenchantment: The Final Season, on YouTube. The tenth episode of season 5, or Part 5 as Netflix calls it, is titled Goodbye Bean.
These pointers are enough to hint at a closure of the show. Moreover, the storyline is also moving towards a smooth finish without any cliffhangers and loose threads. The official report for season 5 reads:
“It all endeth here. The misadventures of hard-hitting, hard-drinking Queen Bean (Jacobson), her feisty elf companion Elfo (Faxon) and her personal demon Luci (Andre) culminate in an epic battle for Dreamland in the fifth and final instalment of Matt Groening’s comedy fantasy series ‘Disenchantment’.”
It further explains the plot of the final season with the following:
“To save Dreamland from Queen Dagmar’s (Horgan) wicked rule, Bean must vanquish her mother and outrun a prophecy that foretells she will kill someone she loves. The stakes are as high as ever as our heroes face Satan, a headless corpse, an evil scientist and most terrifying of all – their true destiny.”
Why was Disenchantment season 6 cancelled?
Disenchantment season 6 was not meant to be there when the show started in 2017 since the makers never planned to have it then.
The original order from Netflix was for a 20-episode show. The first season had 20 episodes, divided into two 10-episode batches. The same plan was followed for season 2 of the show.
However, season 3, also referred to as part 3 by the channel, had only ten episodes and the same pattern was planned for parts 4 and 5.
The idea of naming “seasons” as “parts” was to give viewers the idea that the parts come together as one long story. The plots of each part were woven to move the story to a definite end.
As such, when the show started running successfully season after season, Disenchantment season 6 was contemplated for a brief time.
However, the plot points and storyline threads are all getting wrapped up in the fifth part and would not need any sequel.
There is also speculation about Netflix cancelling shows without much explanation. The rumors say that Disenchantment was not as popular as Futurama or The Simpsons.
The IMDb movie-meter data revealed a drop in season 4 viewership as compared to the previous seasons. This makes it a less lucrative option for Netflix to renew for another season.
Final thoughts on Disenchantment season 6
To the disappointment of the fans of the show, there will not be any scope for Disenchantment season 6. However, they can hope for spinoffs in the future though no news about the same has been discussed yet.
Moreover, Titan Comics has come out with a Disenchantment comic book, named Disenchantment: Untold Tales Vol.1, which is set to hit bookstores and stands in November 2023.
The 224-page book will deliver new and unknown stories from Matt Groening on the adventures of the three leads.
As for the show, fans can revisit the previous seasons on Netflix. Disenchantment season 5 is currently streaming on the platform.