As Netflix's Jeffrey Dahmer drama series continues to gain popularity around the world, a Texas pizzeria decided to use it to create its own Jeffrey Dahmer Special pizza. As disturbing as it may sound, Capital Pizza in Lubbock, Texas, serves a Dahmer-themed pizza topped with a prosthetic eyeball and a finger surrounded by fake blood.
The pizza has caused widespread outrage, making netizens sick to their stomachs. One social media user tweeted about the same and said:
Social media users bash the Texas pizzeria for serving the Jeffrey Dahmer Special pizza
While there is no denying that a few Netflix series, shows, and documentaries leave an impression on the audience, the Pizzeria took it a step further and created its own Jeffrey Dahmer special pizza. The same has landed the pizzeria in hot water, with pizza lovers mocking it on social media.
A netizen commented on the same and said:
“There’s a pizza place in Texas that now has “The Dahmer Special” that literally looks so f*cking disgusting…whatever you’re picturing- I promise you this is worse. Just further proof that there are some really twisted a*s ppl in this world…”
A few also bashed Netflix for coming up with such documentaries and said:
“Netflix goes too far with disgusting crime docs or movies on them. Life's already a horror. These days, why magnify the worst cases, especially that disgustingMFer? Uncalled for. Really don't get wanting to eat pizza w/implied human remains. Only audience I see for it."
Pizzeria reveals that a server came up with the idea of the Jeffrey Dahmer special pizza
The pizzeria, which was quick to capitalize on Jeffrey Dahmer's idea following the massive success of Netflix's drama series, has revealed that the idea for this pizza came from a server who works there.
The company's manager, Kiefer Slusher-Davidson, admitted that the idea came up in honor of Halloween.
In a chat with, he also talked about how eyeballs and fingers were made and said:
“It’s just a Styrofoam base. It’s got plastic prosthetics on it … eyeballs, fingers, there’s an ear. Ramen noodles are kind of the main thing here, and some fake blood, and then we, as we do with all of our pizzas, we topped it with pepperoncini.”
At the same time, workers at the pizzeria revealed that while the feedback on social media was mostly negative, there were some visitors who liked the idea. Aside from that, there have been visitors who simply came to photograph the pizza on display.
About Jeffrey Dahmer
Dahmer was a serial killer and a sex offender. He was also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal or the Milwaukee Monster. He received a life sentence for the heinous crimes he committed between 1978 and 1991, when he murdered 17 men and boys.
In 1994, he was beaten to death by one of his fellow inmates at Columbia Correctional Institution in Portage, Wisconsin.