Social media influencer and comedian Dennis Feitosa, who goes by the name Def Noodles, called out YouTubers Lucas and Marcus (Dobre Twins) over their recent clickbait death hoax video, in which Marcus faked his own death. The comedian posted a series of videos (clips from the original video) and photos (screenshots of comments) as he wrote:
"TRIGGER WARNING. They reveal in the end of the video that Marcus is ok."
One Instagram user, with the handle @alymictho, commented on Def Noodles' Instagram post, saying:
"This is why I blocked them off my sons YouTube account lmfao"
Another user, @casey_towsley wrote:
"I think all their fans are kids so this is a bizarre way to try to get clout"
@medge0511, triggered by the video, stated:
"This makes me so upset. I have suicidal thoughts, and the fact that they actually did something like this both disgusts and triggers me."
Another user questioned the taste of the fans of the Dobre Twins, and wrote:
"This is the stupidest f***cking thing I've ever seen. As if he (Lucas) wouldn't be more upset while reading that. It's so obvious this is fake - his acting is so bottom tier. How do these idiots have fans?!?! Jesus Christ"
Everything about the Dobre Twins and the recent controversy they are facing

Lucas and Marcus Dobre-Mofid, popularly known as the Dobre Twins, are famous YouTube personalities who own and run a YouTube channel. They first emerged and rose to fame on the video platform Vine. The twins have over 24 million subscribers on YouTube, over 30 million followers on TikTok, and 1.9 million followers on Instagram.
The brothers post a variety of videos that include comedy sketches, pranks, gymnastic skills, challenges, dance videos, vlogs, and more, on the YouTube channel (Lucas and Marcus) that they launched in 2015. And with their recent YouTube video titled "MY TWIN BROTHER IS DEAD?!", the Dobre Twins have sparked controversy yet again (this not being the first time).
The video in question starts with one of the Dobre Twins, Lucas, getting a letter from the other twin, Marcus, that said,
"Put this on YouTube, I want everyone to know."
Lucas, who seems confused about the letter, starts reading it. Here's what the letter read:
"To my family, Lucas, Mom, Dad, Cyrus, Darius, and everyone else, I just wanna say, I love you guys so much and I wanted to write you this letter before I go. I'm gonna miss you so much, but now, I'm gone forever. Lucas please split our money with our family, and all of our assets, please. Lucas, you can keep the YouTube channel to yourself. Please don't give up on our fans, they really love us so much, and we keep them happy. I left you something in the backyard to remember me. From, Marcus. I'll see you in the sky."
Lucas, seemingly still not being able to believe or even comprehend what he just read, goes around their house looking for Marcus with the cameraman following him. Lucas, who was not able to contact Marcus, then goes on to ask the cameraman if he should let his family know and is told:
"Either these things are not good, either he meant disappearing like he's gone and we still gotta go like find him and see why he would decide to do that or he meant... You know what I mean."
Lucas has also been shown to express his unwillingness to put the vlog on YouTube. He decides to wait till his family arrives and then go to the backyard with them. Lucas gives Darius and Cyrus (the older brothers of the Dobre Twins) the letter on their arrival and the three Dobre brothers, unsure if it's a prank, go to the backyard.
Darius says that Marcus must have flown to some place as he mentioned 'sky' in his note. After being distracted by things like a piece of wood and an icicle, the brothers find a tombstone with 'RIP' written over it.
The Dobre brothers are then shown speculating that Marcus might have 'died' for YouTube, started a new life, or run away with a girl, before the scene was cut. The video ends with Marcus telling the viewers:
"Alright guys. Stop. I'm not dead, I just wanted to prank my family. I'm so sorry, guys, I'm so sorry. Don't worry, I'm still alive. I love you guys so much. I flew out to L.A. by myself just to pull off this prank. Can't believe I did it. Did it work? Hopefully it did. I love you guys. See ya."
The video has 2.1 million views and over 6,300 comments, an enormous percentage of which described the prank as "distasteful", "sickening", and "disturbing".
Here are some comments that criticized the Dobre Twins for poking fun at something as serious as suicide.

The Dobre Twins have posted other videos since the said video was released, but have not yet commented on the backlash or apologized for their actions.