Emmerdale star Lisa Riley, famous for playing Mandy Dingle on the show, had a complete body transformation that blew her fans away. In just a year and a half, she managed to shed a mind-blowing 12 stone, going from a size 28 to a super slim size 12. She was not wearing a fat suit but just ended up losing a lot of weight.
While she achieved this transformation, the journey had its struggles. Lisa had to deal with the struggle of dealing with painful loose skin, which weighed over 1.5 stone. Lisa Riley's incredible weight loss journey delves into both the emotional and physical aspects of her transformation.
From making major lifestyle changes to going through some surgeries, every step of Lisa's inspiring journey shows her determination and dedication to getting healthy again.
Lisa Riley does not wear a fat suit in Emmerdale
Fans were wondering if Riley was wearing a fat suit or padding in Emmerdale because her recent look was very different from the old Mandy Dingle they remember. Because the character became popular, Riley came back to Emmerdale full-time.
After taking a break, she came back to the show in 2019. But now, people are talking about her supposedly gaining weight while playing Mandy Dingle. As she had lost a massive 12 stone and went from a size 28 to 12, people were confused about her on-screen appearance.
Some viewers even thought she was still using padding, which led to investigations into why her character's body-type had changed. Lisa Riley said that she gained weight before because she was lazy and ate a lot of junk food while not working out.
Lisa shared with Mirror UK:
"Nobody made me eat 50 Twix bars or a whole packet of sausages at one sitting. I did that to myself. No one made me not go to the gym. Some weeks I was probably having seven takeaways a week. I did that to myself. I have to take responsibility for that."
Fans originally thought Lisa Riley was hiding her weight gain with her costumes, but it turns out she went through a big change in her life and lost a lot of weight by making some lifestyle changes.
After losing weight, Lisa ended up with more skin than she wanted, weighing over 1.5 stone. This made her decide to have surgery to get rid of it.
Her role as Mandy Dingle not only got people talking about her changing looks but also her weight loss journey.
As fans of Emmerdale eagerly keep up with Mandy's story on TV, Lisa's real-life transformation brings a whole new level of depth and realism to the character, making her someone fans can connect with.
To get more scoop on Lisa Riley's weight loss journey and Emmerdale updates, keep watching Emmerdale on ITV.