Robert Downey Jr., known for his iconic portrayal of Iron Man in the MCU, is gearing up for a new adventure in his upcoming Max show, Downey's Dream Cars. While Iron Man may have traveled to space on the big screen, Downey's passion for vintage cars keeps him grounded in reality.
The series is set to premiere on June 22, 2023, with two episodes launching initially, followed by two more episodes dropping each Thursday. The series will be available in the US on Max, and it will also launch on the streaming service Discovery+ in the UK.
Directed and written by David Larzelere, Downey's Dream Cars features Robert Downey Jr. and Susan Downey as the leading executive producers. Downey, who will also appear in Christopher Nolan's war drama film Oppenheimer, takes on the role of the show's charismatic host.
What is Downey's Dream Cars about?
In this Max original series, Downey showcases his love for classic cars, while also addressing his commitment to the environment. He enlists the help of a skilled crew to restore his vintage cars in a way that is less harmful to the planet. The trailer for the upcoming show offers a sneak peek into the thrilling journey that awaits viewers. Meanwhile, the official synopsis of the show, as per IMDb, states:
"Follows Robert Downey Jr. and a team of experts who will restore six classic cars from Robert's own collection to make them more eco-friendly; updating them into the new millennium while preserving the power and style."
Although the crew initially advises against making changes to these beautiful vehicles, Downey's determination prevails as he adds an electric twist to his collection. The road may have its challenges, but the legendary actor is ready for the ride.
Robert Downey Jr.'s Downey's Dream Cars showcases his love for cars and his dedication to making a difference. This docuseries, which will be streaming on Max, dives deep into the actor's passion for restoring classic cars and turning them into hybrids for a more sustainable future.
Produced by Boat Rocker's Matador Content and Team Downey, the show provides an intimate look into Downey's garage and his creative problem-solving approach. The series is a celebration of the timeless allure of cars from the 1960s and 70s. Downey believes that these vehicles make hearts beat a little faster, and his passion for them is evident.
Downey's Dream Cars showcases Robert Downey Jr.'s environmentally conscious efforts
As an environmentally conscious star, he has previously supported initiatives like The Footprint Coalition, a company focused on reducing carbon footprints through advanced technology. Now, he aims to transform his "petrol-spewing mess" into a more sustainable and stylish upgrade.
Robert Downey Jr., through his efforts towards alleviating the climate crisis and involvement in projects like Downey's Dream Cars, continues to inspire and promote a sustainable future. His dedication to the environment extends beyond the show, as he is auctioning off six cars from his collection that have been modified to reduce their carbon footprint. The proceeds will benefit the Footprint Coalition and its charitable partners.
In addition to his expertise in car restoration, Downey's Dream Cars showcases the actor's collaborations with his youngest children. His son, Exton, and daughter, Avri, make guest appearances in the series.
During the premiere, Robert mentions how working with his kids on the show was a blast, highlighting their natural talent and humor. Their involvement adds a personal touch to the series and further enhances the viewing experience.
Fans can mark their calendars for June 22, 2023, as that's when RDJ kicks off his vintage car project exclusively on Max.