The Dream Home Makeover recently premiered with season 4 on Netflix. The series was released on Friday, December 9, 2022. The famed reality TV renovation series revolves around Shea and Syd McGee who make their clients dreams come true by transforming their homes tailored to their own style and requirements.
The stars of Dream Home Makeover, Shea and Syd McGee, began their careers in the renovation industry after they posted images of their home renovations on social media. Once their work blew up and they became well known, they launched their own business called McGeee Studios.
After putting a lot of hard work, they've now established themselves as one among the top renovators in the reality TV industry, making their clients' dreams come true.
The official synopsis of the series reads:
"Dreams come true for real families looking for the perfect home tailored to their own unique style, thanks to Shea and Syd McGee of Studio McGee."
With the series already available to stream on Netflix, here's everything you need to know about what to expect from each episode.
Netflix's Dream Home Makeover has released 6 episodes on December 9, 2022
So far, the famed reality TV renovation series has released 6 episodes in season 4. All six episodes are currently available to stream and last around 30 minutes each. Below mentioned are the title and synopsis for each episode of Dream Home Makeover.
1) Kitchen Expansion - Episode 1
In episode 1, Syd and Shea remodel the kitchen for Teresa who has worked with them for quite a long time. Teresa started off as a customer service manager but now manages one of the largest teams in the company. The synopsis of the episode reads:
"Shea and Syd create a drool-worthy kitchen remodel for one of their own team members - complete with a custom range hood and butler's pantry."
2) The Mother of all Remodels - Episode 2
In episode two, the couple headed over to Mill Creek to renovate a mother-son duo Helen and Jim's home. They have been living together for 20 years after Jim got divorced. The episode synopsis says:
"A mom and son hope to bring modernity to their home while keeping some granny-chic elements. But Shea finds a chicken motif that needs to fly the coop."
3) Playroom Update - Episode 3
In episode 3, the couple headed over to home of the Blasdales, who have two kids and live in a family-friendly neighborhood. Shea and Syd helped them solve a storage problem and a lot more. The episode's synopsis states:
"A family wants their toy room to be sophisticated enough to double as a guest room. Shea finds a way to install playful touches, like a climbing wall."
4) From Living Room to Library - Episode 4
In episode four, Syd and Shea renovated Darin and Sarah's old pioneer home. Their home was built in the 1800s, and the episode synopsis says:
"Shea ushers "Little House on the Prairie" charm back into an 1885 pioneer home that had lost its original character to renovations over the decades."
5) Family Trailer Rebuild - Episode 5
In episode five, Syd buys a trailer to go camping with Shea and the kids. However, Shea has no idea about this and Syd hopes he can convince her by letting her redecorate the inside. The episode's synopsis reads:
"Syd has a surprise for Shea: he bought an Airstream! Out of her comfort zone, Shea imagines one tricked -out trailer - but is her vision even possible?"
6) Primary Bath Reconnected - Episode 6
In the final episode, the couple met with Cindy and Connor, who needed their master bathroom renovated. They bought their home last September and been wanting to get it remodeled ever since. The episode's synopsis says:
"Sick of their "his-and-hers" bathrooms, a Salt Lake City couple asks Shea to knock down the wall between them... as well as add a splashy new feature."
After three successful seasons, Dream Home Makeover now returned with season 4 of the famed reality TV renovation series. Dream Home Makeover was filmed mostly in Utah and California. The couple didn't have to travel as much as they did during season 3 of the Netflix series.
Here are the locations that Dream Home Makeover was filmed in Utah and California.
- Episode 1 was filmed in Salt Lake City, Utah
- Episode 2 was filmed in Mill Creek, Utah
- Episode 3 was filmed in Lehi, Utah
- Episode 4 was filmed in Charleston, Utah
- Episode 5 was filmed in Utah
- Episode 6 was filmed in Salt Lake City
All six episodes of Dream Home Makeover are available to be streamed on Netflix. The previous three seasons are also available to watch the steaming giant.