Earth Mama, an upcoming drama film set to be released on July 7, 2023, by A24, is a powerful story written and directed by Savanah Leaf. The film features a talented ensemble cast including Tia Nomore, Erika Alexander, Keta Price, Doechii, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, Bokeem Woodbine, and Dominic Fike.
The official Earth Mama synopsis of reads:
"An intimate coming of age story of a pregnant single mother who embraces her Bay Area community as she determines the fate of her family."
The plot revolves around a pregnant single mother who, despite having two children in foster care, finds strength and support within her Bay Area community as she fights to reclaim her family. The film delves into themes of resilience, motherhood, and the power of community.
Earth Mama premiered at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival on January 20, 2023, captivating audiences with its compelling narrative and stellar performances. Audiences can anticipate a thought-provoking and emotionally charged experience when the film hits the screens, offering a poignant exploration of love, family, and the pursuit of redemption.
Savanah Leaf's Earth Mama shines light on family and community bonds
The trailer for Earth Mama provides glimpses into the challenging journey of Gia (Tia Nomore), the film's protagonist. It reveals that two of her children are in foster care, setting the stage for a heartfelt exploration of her struggles to regain custody and navigate the complexities of motherhood.
Despite Gia's unwavering commitment to her children, the system seems to be stacked against her.
The trailer hints at the uphill battle Gia faces as she fights to prove herself as a capable and loving mother. It portrays her determination to reclaim custody while simultaneously managing the demands of her own pregnancy. This dual challenge adds layers of complexity to Gia's journey, highlighting the resilience and strength required to navigate such difficult circumstances.
This 2023 movie promises to offer a compassionate and empathetic portrayal of Gia's experiences. Through its storytelling, the film aims to shed light on the societal and institutional obstacles faced by single mothers, particularly those entangled in the foster care system.
By delving into the emotional depth of Gia's narrative, it invites viewers to contemplate themes of family, resilience, and the enduring power of maternal love.
Everything to know about Earth Mama's cast and crew
Directed and written by Savanah Leaf, Earth Mama is a compelling drama film that delves into the complexities of family and motherhood.
The film is based on the short film "The Heart Still Hums," co-created by Leaf and Taylor Russell. Produced by A24, this film promises to captivate audiences with its heartfelt storytelling.
The cast features talented actors who bring the characters to life. Tia Nomore takes on the role of Gia, a single mother fighting to regain custody of her two children who are in foster care.
Erika Alexander portrays Miss Carmen, a supportive figure in Gia's life, while Doechii portrays Trina, a friend who provides strength and companionship.
Keta Price embodies the character of Mel, adding depth to the narrative. Olivia Luccardi takes on the role of Alexis, another key character in Gia's journey.
The ensemble cast also includes Sharon Duncan-Brewster as Monica, Dominic Fike as Miles, and Bokeem Woodbine as Paul, each contributing their talent and bringing unique dynamics to the story.
Earth Mama releases on Friday, July 7, 2023.