The narrative of Eileen centers around the titular character, a young woman whose life is a monotonous cycle of caring for her alcoholic father and working at a juvenile prison. However, her existence is upended by the arrival of a psychologist named Rebecca in the prison. With Rebecca's entry, Eileen's life takes an unprecedented turn.
Disclaimer: The article contains major spoilers from the movie.
Notably, the movie is a dark and thrilling adaptation of Ottessa Moshfegh's book with the same title, and has commendable performances by Anne Hathaway as Rebecca and Thomas McKenzie as Eileen. However, as it delves into the complexities of its characters and setting, it contains some tonal inconsistencies.
How Eileen culminates as a twisted psychological thriller
There is a significant tonal shift in the third act of the movie that disrupts its coherence. This shift results in Rebecca's character becoming less credible as her portrayal isn't quite consistent. Although Hathaway's acting is compelling, the change in tone affects her character and diminishes the audience's engagement with the story.
Furthermore, the film's use of a small-town setting, muted color palette, and stark landscapes visually aids the storytelling. The depiction not only sets the tone of the film but also mirrors the internal states of the characters.
Notably, the movie is based on the book by Ottessa Moshfegh of the same name. Speaking of which, William Oldroyd, the director of Eileen, does a meticulous job of navigating moral gray areas and creating a suspenseful and unsettling atmosphere as described in the book.
Through his direction, he has effectively executed the film as a journey through various character studies as it culminates in a deeply twisted psychological thriller. Moreover, the narrative also explores the themes of secrets, lies, and liberation as elucidated in the book.
What is the story of the movie?
The movie set in 1960s Massachusetts and revolves around Eileen, a young woman working as a secretary in a boys' prison. Her mundane life takes a dramatic turn with the arrival of the new therapist, Rebecca. The titular character is drawn to Rebecca's charming and bold demeanor as she finds her qualities desirable.
The plot thickens as both women become interested in an inmate, Lee Polk. Subsequently, this leads to a series of psychological twists and turns. Rebecca discovers that Lee's mother, Rita, was complicit in her husband's abusive behavior towards their son. Rebecca and Eileen then plan to force a confession from Rita about her complicity in the abuse.
In a disturbing turn of events, the titular character, driven by her feelings for Rebecca, ends up shooting Rita in the chest. Despite initiating the plan, Rebecca is horrified by the latter's action. Eileen convinces Rebecca to frame her father for the crime and run away together.
Thereafter, they drug Rita and plan to stage a scene implicating the father. However, Rebecca never shows up at the agreed meeting place. Rebecca, though, never appears at the scheduled meeting location. She chooses to take matters into her own hands despite Rebecca's absence, so she takes Rita far into the woods and abandons her to perish from the car's exhaust fumes.
Following this, she hitchhikes out of town, likely heading to New York City to fulfill a long-term dream.
The film ends with her smiling in the back of a truck, consequently leaving viewers to ponder her motivations and mental state. The ending could indicate her relief at escaping her oppressive life and the realization of her newfound power and control. Alternatively, it could reflect her disappointment at Rebecca's absence.