On February 26, Ukrainian Vice President Mykhailo Fedorov tweeted a plea to SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk to provide Starlink coverage across the Eastern-European country. Fedorov also urged Musk to address the Russians to stand down from their attack on Ukraine.
A few hours later, on Sunday, Musk took to Twitter to respond to Fedorov by providing his services in Ukraine. However, the billionaire is yet to respond to the Vice President's plea for him to be vocal about Russia's incursion.
SpaceX's satellite internet service is currently essential in Ukraine as the Russian offensive has disrupted connectivity nationwide. According to Euronews, southern and eastern regions of the country have had their internet services impacted.
Starlink trends on Twitter as Elon Musk deploys the service across Ukraine
On Saturday, Ukraine's Vice President called out Musk in a tweet and requested him to deploy his internet service satellites over the country. In his tweet, Fedorov wrote:
"While you try to colonize Mars — Russia try to occupy Ukraine!"
He also drew a contrast between SpaceX's rockets landing from space and the missiles launched by the Russian military striking Ukraine. The tweet seems to have paid off as Musk decided to provide the necessary deployment of the Starlink satellites. Later, Fedorov thanked Musk in a tweet.
The VP wrote:
"Starlink terminals are coming to Ukraine! Thank you @elonmusk, thank you everyone, who supported Ukraine!"
Following his breakthrough with Elon Musk via Twitter, Mykhailo Fedorov also urged Meta CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. He asked the entrepreneur to block Meta's services like Instagram and Facebook in Russia until the nation backs out of attacking Ukraine.
Similarly, Fedorov urged Visa, Mastercard, and crypto exchange platforms to block Russian users.
Netizens applaud Musk for providing Ukraine with Starlink coverage, but how is that a concern?
Following Elon Musk's response to Fedorov's plea about internet coverage through SpaceX's service, the firm quickly provided Ukraine with Starlink. Musk's quick initiative was praised by numerous followers.
However, cybersecurity researcher John Scott-Railton cited concerns over the service's deployment over the country, which is under attack by the Russian military.
Scott-Railton, who researches malware, tweeted that Russia may intercept the Starlink data as it gets uploaded from the user's terminal to the satellites. The Russian military could use this to coordinate airstrikes in places with heavy data transmissions to SpaceX satellites.
John Scott-Railton also linked a report about former president of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, Dzhokhar Dudayev's death. In the report, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty claimed that Russia coordinated a missile strike against Dudayev by tracking his satellite phone. This could imply the possibility of Russia using the same tactics if tensions with Ukraine further rise.
Further concerns lie with SpaceX's security of the satellite internet service. While the service does employ measures against maintaining the privacy and security of transmitted data, the firm does not guarantee complete security against all potential data breaches.