Ex-Addicts Club is a brand new and highly entertaining Indonesian comedy series that made its debut exclusively on Netflix on Thursday, April 20, 2023. Salman Aristo has served as the writer for the series, while Kuntz Agus has acted as the director. The light-hearted comedy series had a total of ten 21 to 24-minute long episodes.
The official brief synopsis for Ex-Addicts Club season 1, given by Netflix, reads as follows:
"A support group of five quirky strangers try to move on with their lives after breaking up with their respective exes."
The lead cast list for Ex-Addicts Club included Chicco Kurniawan as Kori, Rachel Amanda as Tina, Andri Mashadi as Asep, Hafizh Weda as Kevin, and Agatha Pricilla as Raysa.
Ever since the Indonesian comedy show was released on Netflix, it has already received many positive responses from the audience. Viewers have loved the series' amusing storylines, quirky characters, and delightful ending.
The ending of Ex-Addicts Club season 1 on Netflix saw some entertaining and satisfactory set of events
Ex-Addicts Club season 1 revolved around five heartbroken strangers Raysa, Asep, Tina, Kevin, and Kori coming together as a group. They formed a unique support group or club to recover from their break-ups and move on from their exes.
Throughout the entire first season, the audience saw the five members of the club becoming close friends who genuinely cared for and supported each other in every situation. Unfortunately, towards the end of the series, the group collapsed and the five members went their separate ways due to a mistake made by Raysa.
As seen in the final episode of the Netflix series, Kori became quite upset because of the fallout of their group and decided to disappear. Meanwhile, other members of the group began to spiral and devolved into their past emotional states.
They started running back to their exes, neglecting all the emotional development they had made so far. However, they found out that their exes had moved on with their own lives and were happy without them. The final episode also saw the return of Mr. Wind of Zephyr, an ex-convict who earlier deceived the club members. He now went by Markus.
Through him, the group discovered that Kori was planning to make a drastic move that could put him in danger. They learned that Kori planned to kidnap his ex-girlfriend Ami, who was getting married to someone else.
The group wanted to save Kori from making a grave mistake so they rushed to Ami's home. After reaching her place, they realized that Ami was just celebrating the opening of a cake shop with her mother and not getting married.
They finally learned that it was all part of Kori's master plan to bring the group together again and save their precious friendship and bond. He staged everything with the help of Markus.
When the group, along with Markus, returned to the cafe, which was their meeting place for the club, they saw Kori sitting right there. The group forgave each other and reunited immediately. Thus, Kori's master plan worked perfectly.
Did Raysa finally cut off all her ties with Indra in the end?
Throughout the entire season 1 of Ex-Addicts Club, Raysa was seen going back to her ex-boyfriend Indra after their break-up, only to be disappointed every time. In the final episode, Raysa rushed to Indra's party in the hopes of winning him back. However, to her surprise, Indra's new girlfriend was already there. The girlfriend insulted her quite badly, making Raysa break down.
However, at the very end of the season, when Raysa finally went to end things with Indra, she found out that he had a complete change of mind and wanted Raysa back in his life. He had also broken up with his new girlfriend to be with Raysa.
Thus, Raysa's plan to break all ties with Indra went sideways in the end, as she stood in front of Indra in a state of utter shock. Will she get back with Indra? Only the future will tell.
Don't forget to watch Ex-Addicts Club season 1, which is currently streaming on Netflix.