The new The Walking Dead spinoff titled The Walking Dead: Dead City premiered on June 18, 2023, and will conclude on July 23, 2023. The six-episode series will see Maggie and Nagen travel to a Walker-infested Manhattan to rescue Maggie's son Hershel. Even though it is set years after the incidents of The Walking Dead, are several things that have not changed. There are still goons who bully people into handing over their supplies and this time around the name of the goon is "The Croat."
The Walking Dead: Dead City is set roughly around 15 years after the incidents of The Walking Dead. The show stars Lauren Cohan as Maggie Greene, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, Gaius Charles as Perlie Armstrong, Željko Ivanek as "The Croat" and Mahina Napoleon as Ginny.
The Walking Dead: Dead City on AMC: Show timeline explored
AMC has not revealed the exact timeline of the show but all they have said is that the story is set in "post-apocalyptic Manhattan, long ago cut off from the mainland"
According to Jeffrey Dean Morgan, the story takes place a few years after The Walking Dead. He added that there is an issue with the few years between the events of the two shows as viewers don't see what happens to the characters.
Morgan noted that Negan had an opportunity to "fall into his old ways" in the missing years and since he is a creature of habit, Negan knows how to survive.
According to an older statement by AMC executive Dan McDermott, the show takes place in Manhattan, where walkers have been wreaking havoc for 12 years. He said that the bridges and tunnels that were blown up at the onset of the outbreak were left that way for 12 years. The tunnels and bridges had blown up after the walker herd had overrun the island.
McDermott said that in the current timeline, the herd is two million walker-strong one that is dominating the streets, which makes it "treacherous and dangerous"
Show creator Eli Jorné added that Maggie and Negan have been running through the woods for a long time. For them, it is a whole new world that is "claustrophobic and scary." Johnson noted that with the new series, viewers will see all the "strange new ways" in which the two lived the apocalypse and said:
"It's definitely like nothing you've seen before in any of the shows."
The show is the fourth spin-off and holistically, the fifth series in The Walking Dead franchise. The rest of the shows are, Fear the Walking Dead, The Walking Dead, World Beyond, and Tales of The Walking Dead.
More shows are planned around the original The Walking Dead characters Daryl Dixon and Rick & Michonne. Both these shows haven't received a concrete release date yet but fans are eagerly waiting for news about it.
The Walking Dead: Dead City synopsis
Created by Eli Jorné, the official synopsis of The Walking Dead: Dead City reads:
"New walkers, new villains, New York! Maggie (Lauren Cohan) forms a lethal alliance with Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) to rescue her kidnapped son. Together they will try to navigate the mean streets of NYC. If they can survive #DeadCity, they can survive anywhere."
Executive producers of The Walking Dead: Dead City include Scott M. Gimple, Eli Jorné, Lauren Cohan, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Brian Bockrath. The show premiered on June 18, 2023, and will conclude on July 23, 2023. It will consist of only six episodes in total.