Hulu's new superhero series, titled Extraordinary, is expected to premiere on the streaming platform on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at 12 am ET. The show chronicles the hilarious and fascinating story of a woman in a world where everyone has superpowers, but owing to a strange and mysterious reason, she doesn't.
The series stars Máiréad Tyers in the lead role as Jen, along with several others playing important supporting roles. Extraordinary is helmed by noted writer Emma Moran.
Extraordinary on Hulu: Trailer, plot, what to expect, and more
Hulu dropped the official trailer for Extraordinary on December 14, 2022, offering a peek into the numerous thrilling and hilarious moments set to unfold in the new series.
The trailer opens with a scene from a job interview, wherein protagonist Jen is asked what her weaknesses are, to which she responds with a number of answers, including selfish, lazy, and many more. The interviewer, however, is rather shocked to notice that she doesn't have any superpowers.
The trailer then proceeds to show a number of hilariously awkward moments involving Jen. No major spoilers are revealed in the process, but viewers can get a fair idea of what to look forward to in this character-driven comedy drama. Overall, the trailer maintains a uniquely funny, vibrant, and lighthearted tone that fans of superhero dramas would certainly love.
Along with the trailer, Hulu also shared the official synopsis of the show, which states:
''Meet Jen. She lives in a world where everyone has a superpower. Everyone except her. Which is just sodding great. Extraordinary is somewhere between a sitcom and an existential crisis: an eye-popping, shocking, hilarious, and bittersweet comedy about finding your way in the world, when all you’ll ever be is 'ordinary'.''
Following the trailer and synopsis, viewers can look forward to a smart comedy series that explores a number of intriguing themes like superpowers, existentialism, and many more.
The show reportedly features a total of eight episodes. Details about the release schedule are not out yet, but all eight episodes are expected to be available for streaming on Hulu on January 25, 2023.
In brief, about Extraordinary cast
Extraordinary features Máiréad Tyers in the lead role as Jen, who is caught up in a world where people are mysteriously blessed with superpowers. However, Jen doesn't possess any powers of her own, which complicates her life and her relationships considerably.
The show centers around her life as she tries to catch up with a rapidly changing world whilst examining the purpose of her own existence. Tyers looks pretty impressive and charming in the series' trailer as she embodies her character's traits with remarkable ease. She depicts Jen's angst, vulnerabilities, and awkwardness quite brilliantly without going over the top.
Fans can expect a thoroughly entertaining performance from the talented star. Apart from Extraordinary, Tyers is known for her appearances in Tell Me Everything and Belfast.
Other supporting cast members include actors like Siobhán McSweeney, Sofia Oxenham, Bilal Hasna, and many more.
You can watch all eight episodes of the superhero show on Hulu on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.