Bling Empire, a Netflix reality TV series, can be called the real-life Crazy Rich Asians. The show featured Asian-American elites living in Los Angeles focusing on navigating through drama in their luxurious lives. The series' spin-off, Bling Empire: New York, followed a similar theme that revolved around the lives of wealthy Asians living in New York City.
The spin-off's season 1 was released on January 20, 2023. This season featured Dorothy Wang from Rich Kids of Beverly Hills, Richard Chang, Vika Abbyaeva, Nam Laks, Tina Leung, Blake Abbie, Lynn Ban, Stephen Hung, and Deborah Hung.
Throughout the season, we see a rivalry between castmates, the formation of new relationships, and dramatic fallouts as these crazy rich Asians travel to Paris, London, Miami, the Bahamas, and Long Island. Despite being a fan-favorite show, the New York spin-off of the series won't return for a season 2.
Did Netflix cancel Bling Empire: New York season 2?
On April 19, 2023, Deadline reported that Netflix canceled Bling Empire season 4 and the spin-off's season 2. Later, the streaming giant confirmed this revelation to NBC News. Fans, however, wondered why season 2 of the spin-off wouldn't be produced. One of the users on u/BookPanda_49 on Reddit commented under a r/BlingEmpire thread, an unofficial subreddit for the series and its spin-off:
"I'm not surprised. The first season was great, and after that, the plots became SO forced and contrived. Of course, I still watched, though! I hope some of the cast will show up on other shows or do other things--I did love the representation!"
Many viewers agreed that the representation was good, but others argued that the show stereotypes Asians. As Bling Empire season 1 premiered during the pandemic, the audience agreed it was unrealistic and insensitive to release a show flaunting wealth when thousands of businesses owned by Asians were being negatively affected.
In 2021, NBC's Michelle Yang wrote an article titled "Netflix's Bling Empire Flaunts Asian 1% Privilege Amid the Covid Pandemic." In the article, she said:
“But why does our society continue to celebrate the privileged 1 percent that does not represent the vast majority of our human experience, let alone the Asian American experience, especially when our country is suffering through a pandemic and economic crisis?”
Why did Netflix cancel the series' spin-off?
According to some fans, Anna Shay's death and Kelly Mi Li's complaint against the producer might be why the show was canceled. However, there were other problems within the crew as well.
On April 29, 2022, People Magazine reported that Kelly Mi Li believes her original idea to introduce this unique concept as a TV show was stolen by Jeff Jenkins, who previously produced the hit reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians. She took the matter to court, claiming that her ideas weren't credited.
Fans wish to see their favorite reality TV stars from season 3 and its spin-off, but there is no news available regarding the potential projects of previous cast members.