Netflix's Bling Empire was a unique show featuring the lives and times of wealthy Asian-American socialites living in Los Angeles, California. After several ups and downs throughout the entire journey of the Bling Empire and following the death of one of its chief cast members, the show's fate seems to be sealed. ScreenRant recently reported:
"Bling Empire season 3 was disappointing, and won't be returning to Netflix. Sadly, Netflix chose to cancel Bling Empire after season 3, rather than renewing it for season 4. While the cast were saddened by the news, the series was a time in their lives they said they'll cherish."
Bling Empire on Netflix was one of the few original reality television shows on the streaming platform. The show was markedly different from its contemporaries in that it wasn't derived from the premise of finding love or moving against competition and generally revolved just around the lives of its cast members. The series was anchored around Kevin Traejin Kreider as the chief narrator and protagonist.
Throughout Bling Empire, the show brought to light numerous aspects of the intriguing cast, following them as they navigated Los Angeles or went overseas on travel visas. Multiple relationships bloomed and withered away, and conflicts rose and were subsequently resolved. Nevertheless, fans are now left to mourn the fate of their beloved show, which would no longer return for a possible season 4.
All about Bling Empire Season 4
The powers at Netflix put their foot down when they decided not to renew Bling Empire for a fourth season following the end of its third season. There has been no further update regarding this decision, and we can likely resume that the days of the show are all but over now.
All of the cast members, including Christine Chiu, Cherie Chan, Kelly Mi Li, Kane Lim, Mimi Morris, Dorothy Wang, and Jaime Xi were hit by the streaming platform's said decision, coupled with the fact that they were already mourning the loss of their favorite cast mate Anna Shay.
Christine and Kane were particularly fan favorites and entertained viewers of the show during the three seasons. Their entertaining camaraderie and dramatic confrontations gave the audience hope about a fourth season that could have taken the narrative forward. However, their hopes were squashed as Netflix would have nothing to do with renewing the show.
According to ScreenRant, cast members had no other option than to face the inevitable as all the highs and lows, the conflicts, and the reconciliation that took place on the show are now to be consigned to place in the past, with no future for the show to look forward to.
Bling Empire star Anna Shay passed away
As things turned out, the future of the Netflix show seemed uncertain right at the time when news of cast member Anna Shay's death was made public. Anna met her demise after succumbing to a stroke in early June 2023. She was sixty-two years old at the time of her death.
Anna was a fond member of the show, loved and respected by all and sundry. She is survived by her son and grandchildren. In the wake of her death, all the other members of the cast paid their tributes to her, including Christine, who was previously found to be at odds with her on numerous occasions.
In the absence of Anna, it can be said with certainty that things at Bling Empire wouldn't have been the same even if it had been renewed for a fourth season.