Claims of Disney and Pixar coming together to create a movie titled Chalino recently went viral online. The supposed animated film was meant to be all about Mexican singer Rosalino 'Sánchez' Félix's life. Posters of the same spread like wildfire across social media platforms. However, claims of the movie's creation are untrue as Disney and Pixar are not creating a film titled Chalino, as per HITC.
For those unversed, Rosalino 'Sánchez' Félix was one of the most prominent singers in the late 20th century. He was best known for his Narcocorrido tracks. A few of his popular songs include Una Tarde, Florita del Alma, Carta de Luto, and Nieves de Enero among others.
Recently, a poster claiming that Disney and Pixar were coming together to produce a movie titled Chalino went viral online. The picture saw an animated character wearing a suit and a cowboy hat as he stood before a microphone. An audience member can be seen in the background of the poster as well.
Several Twitter users posted pictures of the poster as they expressed their excitement about the same.
While the poster went viral, it is important to note that the same was not released by either of the production companies.
Disney and Pixar are not releasing a movie titled Chalino
While the film poster looks convincing, Disney and Pixar are not creating a movie titled Chalino. According to HITC, the poster was made by a fan using artificial intelligence tools. Neither Disney nor Pixar have made a public announcement about the movie inspired by the musician.
Creating movie posters using AI tools seems to be an internet trend lately and this is not the first time fake movie posters have left fans stumped. Claims of Pixar creating an animated movie about George Floyd circulated online after a fake movie poster featuring a white police officer kneeling on the back of a Black man went viral online. However, the same was fake as one could see that the police officer's badge was pixelated.
A poster of an animated film titled Caust recently went viral on social media platforms as well. The supposed Disney and Pixar-produced movie was to be about Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust. However, the poster was AI-generated.
Who was Rosalino Sánchez Félix?
Rosalino Sánchez or Chalino Sánchez, as he was popularly called, was born in Sinaloa but moved to Los Angeles in 1977. After marrying Marisela Vallejo in 1984, he joined the Los 4 de la Frontera band.
During his solo career, he created several tracks centered on murder, drug trafficking, gambling, and the Mexican Revolution amongst other topics.
Sánchez was reportedly murdered on May 16, 1992, at the age of 31. He was fatally shot twice after a concert, as per Billboard. Hours before his passing, he was performing at the Salon Bugambilias in Culiacán, Mexico. He was reportedly handed a note at the concert, which was believed to be a death threat, and was found dead the next morning.