The Marvel Universe has two Gwens, one is a fictional character Gwenpool who gets transported into the Marvel Universe. The other is Gwen Stacy who belongs to the Spider-Man comics. Gwen Stacy is Peter Parker's girlfriend and is remembered as the character who died in The Amazing Spider-Man #121 comic edition. Additionally, Poole is a Marvel series outfit that can be obtained after purchasing the Chapter 5: Season 4 battle pass in Fortnite.
According to the Tribune, while Gwen Stacy and Gwenpool have similar appearances, they are distinct characters and the latter's name is Gwendolyn Poole. Moreover, the publication states that while Poole's original design might have been inspired by Stacy, she is "not Stacy, not in any universe".
The confusion between both Gwens has sparked a debate between Deadpool and Fortnite fans who have been posting their arguments via X (formerly Twitter):
A supporter of the two Gwen's being distinct theory also took a dig at those who opposed the theory and tweeted:
However, an internet user claimed:
"Marvel Comics still counts Gwendolyn as a Gwen variant, they purposely rename her and changed her in-comic origin so… SHE DOESNT GET CLAIMED BY SONY (who owns right to Spiderman/Gwen Stacy) or FOX (who owns rights to the X-Men/Deadpool)"
An internet user also tweeted photographic proof of Gwenpool being a variant of Gwen Stacy mentioning Stacy was given her own variant initiative of which Poole is a part:
Gwenpool first graced the cover of Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #2: Details about the character explored
According to the Tribune, the character and design of Poole was inspired by Gwen Stacy during the Gwen Variant run and the new character first graced the cover of Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #2 comic. The edition became a hit among fans and Gwenpool transformed into a separate series. The Poole character is a part of Marvel's collaboration with Fortnite called Chapter 5 Season 4, and Poole was a part of the season's reveal trailer.
Gwenpool's character bio in Fortnite is also a fourth-wall break wherein she says:
"I played the Galactus Event. That makes me an Avenger, right?”.
As per the Fortnite Fandom website, Gwenpool's character breaks the fourth wall in her Fortnite description by referencing Chapter 2: Season 4's The Devourer of Worlds Live Event. The character's Gwendolyn Poole style is based on the attire that she wore in Issue 16 while the Dark Gwenpool style is inspired by an alternate version of her character from Earth-17217 wherein her character becomes a villain.
As for her powers, the Marvel special Fortnite character has powers like Medium Interaction that allows her to manipulate the world of comics, Out-Of-Universe-Knowledge, and Medium-Awareness comprising her comic expertise.
While fans of the Deadpool franchise and Fortnite have been arguing about Poole and Gwen Stacy being the same characters, the Gwenpool skin will be available in Marvel's battle pass in Fortnite and can be unlocked on purchase.
The Marel battle pass costs 950V-Bucks (currency in Fortnite) and can be added to the Fortnite Item Shop later as well.