A post has been going viral on social media with claims about The Hawk Tuah Girl being fired from her job. The Facebook account, Tippah County Tribune, that posted the news claimed that the Hawk Tuah girl is a preschool teacher, Hailey Wellignton of Ripley who was fired from her job after the video went viral.
However, the Facebook user's page is categorized as “Satire/ Parody,” which proves that the piece of news is fake and untrue.
The post claimed:
“A local preschool teacher has been forced to resign from her job after a girls’ trip in Nashville took a surprising turn. Hailey Wellington, 23, of Ripley, has recently gained notoriety around the country as “the hawk tuah girl” after becoming the star of a widely circulated videotaped interview that occurred last weekend in Nashville, TN.”
It continued and stated that the Epstein Day School Director Carla Reed also released a statement about the same and stated that as the video went viral, kids in the school started “spitting on each other as they heard their Miss Hailey say ‘spit on that thang.’”
After the post went viral in just a day, it garnered thousands of likes and comments, whereas more than 16,000 people shared the post.
The whole fiasco started a few days back when YouTubers Tim & Dee TV posted an Instagram reel on June 11 asking a question to two women in Nashville, where one of the girls used the term “Hawk Tuah” which is basically the sound of a person spitting on something.
News about the Hawk Tuah girl being fired from her job is fake
The Facebook page going viral made several claims about the viral girl being a preschool teacher, and that she is now fired from her job. The post even stated that the students in the school look up to Miss Hailey “as a role model.” The alleged statement by the school as mentioned in the post reads:
“They really look up to her as a role model and imitate the things that she does. We love Hailey but unfortunately, we cannot allow this type of behavior from one of our very own faculty members.”
It also stated that after hearing the news of her being fired from her job, the viral girl gave out a statement claiming that “it is not fair” to terminate her, and for the same, she will be starting a fundraiser to hire an attorney.
However, it is worth noting that the post has been shared by a Facebook page which is popular for sharing satirical content. Moreover, the About section of the page also claims that it is “Tippah County’s #1 Publication for Satirical Laughs.”
Moreover, as an X user also shared the piece of information about the Hawk Tuah girl being fired, a Community Note notification was added to the fake news by contributor, Excellent Maple Pigeon, stating:
“The original source of this rumor was a TikTok by a random account. Several errors/inaccuracies- Epstein Day School is ATL, GA not Ripley, MS. Her named in the post was “Hailey Wellington” not “Welch” And doubtful that the students were “spitting on each other & everything””
Therefore, the news is fake, and one should not believe in such pieces unless the information is posted by a verified source, or the woman states the same herself.