Twitter is abuzz after the latest Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman video. The video revolves around a hilarious discussion about Logan, who will reportedly appear in Deadpool 3, but there is a catch. The YouTube video, which Reynolds has shared on his Twitter page, has contracted a lot of reactions from fans, and justifiably so.
Watch the video below to know why it is creating such an uproar on the internet:
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman teased an update on Deadpool 3, explaining how the upcoming Deadpool movie would progress. It hinted at bringing back Jackman as Wolverine, who had died in the 2017 film Logan.
The video opens with the actors sitting together and acknowledging that fans would have many questions, and they intended to answer them together. Ryan Reynolds flags off the video by saying,
“Logan takes place in 2029, totally separate thing, not touching that, but what happens in our film is...”
While they begin to explain their film, music starts playing, and all we get from the video is the actors gesticulating wildly. So the bottom line is fans got played by Reynolds and his sense of humor again, and they have resorted to Twitter to voice their anticipation and excitement. Some of the fan reactions are as follows.
While some are hopeful that someone will decipher the video, others have taken to making memes.
On September 27, 2022, Ryan Reynolds posted a video titled Deadpool Update, where he apologized for missing D23 due to his MCU role. The video shows a shot of Reynolds pouring his Aviator gin and Jackman walking by in the background. From the narrative of this video, it appears that with the blessing of Logan director James Mangold, Hugh Jackman will returning as our beloved Wolverine in Deadpool 3.
What happened in Logan?
Having taken on the role of Wolverine in 2000 for X-Men, Hugh Jackman soon made himself synonymous with the popular character. His consistent portrayal of the hero cemented the legacy of Wolverine. However, sadly, the story of Wolverine came to a close in 2017 with Logan, where Wolverine sacrificed himself for his legacy. The movie gave a fitting end to the character despite the brutality of his death. Wolverine's era came to a close with Logan as he died and was put to rest.
How will Wolverine come back in Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool?
Although Deadpool and Wolverine are both Marvel characters, they have never been part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For the first time, Deadpool 3 promises to bring the two superheroes together for an explosive and hilarious feature.
Deadpool 3 will be making its release on September 6, 2023. Nothing much is known about the plot, which is under tight wraps. Despite the sketchy details, fans are incredibly excited about this collaboration and cannot wait to see the two heroes' chemistry.
Catch Ryan Reynolds' and Hugh Jackman's dynamic chemistry and friendship in Deadpool 3. Watch this space for more updates.