The Bachelorette Season 19 aired the first installment of the two-part finale on Sunday, September 4, 2022 at 8:00 pm ET on ABC. The two-hour episode saw Gabby Windey and Rachel Rechhia on the final leg of their journey to find love as they formed deeper connections with their suitors.
On this week's episode of The Bachelorette, Gabby and Rachel opened up about their journeys ahead of their fantasy suite date. While talking about their relationship with their suitors, the two ladies mentioned that they had a challenging experience on Clayton Echard's season of The Bachelor.
While some fans understood the ladies' sentiments, others felt it was time they left the former bachelor behind.
The Bachelorette leads Gabby and Rachel talk about Clayton Echard
Ahead of their dates and impending fantasy suites in Mexico, Gabby and Rachel opened up about their hometowns and where they stood regarding their connections with suitors. Rachel confessed that she was shocked at how far the duo had come along in their journey while reflecting on the exact time "everything went haywire" with Clayton.
Gabby confessed that the overnight part of the dates was important as they could test their physical chemistry as well as utilize their time together to discuss essential aspects of their relationship. However, Rachel brought up Clayton's name again and said she was dreading this week because of what happened to them during Clayton's season of The Bachelor. She said:
"I have been so scared to be honest with them because of how he made me feel in that moment... when he stood in front of us, and he was like, 'Not only am I intimate with both of you, I'm in love with all of you.' And just the general disregard for everyone's feelings but his own."
Gabby echoed the sentiment stating that she felt like she was manipulated on her journey with Clayton and never wanted to make her suitors go through the same emotions.
Fans react to Gabby and Rachel talking about Clayton before overnight dates
Fans reflected on The Bachelorette leads talking about their journey with Clayton. However, they were left with mixed emotions. While some felt their concerns were legitimate, others were disappointed at the duo bringing up the former Bachelor's name so far into their journey.
Here's what they have to say about the issue:
The Bachelorette Season 19 is currently airing a two-part finale, with the leads Gabby and Rachel participating in the fantasy suites segment. The stakes are at an all-time high, and it will be interesting to see how the finale pans out for the ladies and the suitors. Viewers will have to keep watching to find out who the women end up with.
Readers can keep watching The Bachelorette on ABC.