According to Collider, Michael B. Jordan is producing a Black Superman “Val-Zod” HBO Max project. As per the report, MBJ’s production house has already hired a writer for the limited series. While it is apparent that the “Creed” star will be producing the project, it is unclear whether he will be starring as Val-Zod.
Meanwhile, “Star Trek (2009)” director JJ Abrams has been involved with a similar project featuring a Black Superman since December 2020. The reports state that WB has greenlit both projects featuring “Black Superman.”
In May 2021, The Hollywood Reporter (THR) broke the news that Abrams will not be directing the project. Instead, WB will hire a Black director. The movie will have “Black Panther” comics writer, Nehisi Coates, writing the script.
How are the two “Black Superman” projects different
It was also reported that the movie produced by JJ Abrams will have a theatrical release and will follow a black Clark Kent as “Superman.”
While Michael B Jordan’s “Val-Zod” Superman is based on a different character, who made his debut in 2014’s Earth 2 #19. The character has been predominantly black since his debut.
Val Zod's origin in the comics

The character is the second person in the comics to take the mantle of Superman. In the comics, Zod is the foster brother of Earth-2 Kal-El (who is also known as Clark Kent). Just like Prime Earth's Superman, Val was sent to Earth-2 when his home planet, Krypton, was destroyed. He also has associations with Kara Zor-El (Supergirl, also from Earth 2).
Val Zod has the same powers and abilities as that of Prime Earth Superman (Clark Kent/Kal El). Furthermore, he has a genius-level intellect and vast Kryptonian knowledge.
Fans react to Michael B. Jordan’s Black Superman “Val-Zod” project
The HBO Max project, currently being written and developed by Outlier Society (Michael’s production house), is not yet confirmed as a movie or a limited series. The project is rumored to be set in Earth 2 universe, which is where the upcoming “Batman (2022)” is expected to set in.
From the Tweets mentioned above, it is apparent that most fans prefer the “Val Zod” version of Superman over the race-bent Clark Kent black Superman. In February 2021, some fans were outraged on hearing that DCEU’s Superman, played by Henry Cavill, is slated to be replaced by Michael B. Jordan.