NCT Taeil launched a personal account on Instagram on July 6. Since then, the NCT member has garnered 1.8 million followers. Other members including Doyoung, Jaehyun, Taeyong, Mark, Yuta, and Johnny also followed Taeil on the same day the idol's account was launched.
On 13 July, Guinness World Records released a statement saying that NCT Taeil managed to smash a record previously set by Harry Potter star Rupert Grint. NCT Taeil now holds the record for the fastest 1 million followers.
NCT Teil reacts upon breaking Guinness World Record
NCT Taeil broke the record by getting one million followers in one hour and 45 minutes. Upon hearing the news, NCT Taeil said,
"Thank you to all the fans! I was so surprised when I heard the news! I never imagined myself becoming a Guinness World Records title holder, and am truly grateful for all the love and support. I would not be here without my members and our NCTzens. I’ll try my best to connect and communicate even more through socials. I love you all!"
The account has not yet been verified. NCT Taeil follows seven people, all of whom are fellow NCT members. NCT's agency SM Town also followed his account. Since he launched the account with the handle @mo.on_air, he uploaded five pictures.
Of them, the most recent picture was with another NCT member Haechan. He captioned this picture "Sun and Moon". This was posted a day before Guinness World Records announced that NCT Taeil had broken a record.
The record for the fastest million followers on Instagram was held by Rupert Grint who joined Instagram in November 2020. The first post he shared was about the birth of his daughter. He garnered one million followers in four hours and one minute.
NCT Taeil deserves credit, but fans are unhappy that other NCT idols were not credited for the same feat.
After news of the Guinness World Record being broken surfaced, all NCTzens congratulated NCT Taeil. However, many were unhappy with the fact that NCT members who had previously broken this record were not credited by Guinness.
A few mentioned how the first one to break this record was Lee Taeyong. Fans claimed that the NCT U idol had broken the record by garnering one million followers in one hour and 50 minutes. However, Guinness World Records denied him credit due to a technicality.
These fans felt that justice was finally served since the record now belongs to another NCT member.