The American fantasy drama television series Fantasy Island was recently renewed for a second season. Created by Elizabeth Craft and Sarah Fain, the show is a sequel to and maintains continuity with the original 1977 series.
Fantasy Island premiered on August 10, 2021, with a preview special, Welcome to the New Fantasy Island, which aired two days earlier. In November 2021, Fox announced a second season of the series is scheduled for 2022.
What is 'Fantasy Island' about?
Fantasy Island is set in a luxury resort where any fantasy requested by guests is fulfilled, though they rarely turn out as expected. The series features emotional, provocative stories about people who arrive at a luxury resort with desires but depart enlightened and transformed. Here are three reasons to watch the show.
1) 'Fantasy Island' is a homage to the original series from the 70s
There have been many attempts to reboot the 1977 fantasy series Fantasy Island but each version strays from the original. Fox's version of Fantasy Island is arguably closer to the original 1977-84 version than the darker, Barry Sonnenfeld-directed version in 1998, and the 2020s Fantasy Island horror flick.
2) A new meaning to retreats
Fantasy Island explores a luxury resort set on a remote island where visitors go to have any fantasy fulfilled where nothing is impossible. For younger audiences who didn't have the opportunity to catch the original show in its prime, this incarnation serves as a gateway into the mystique of Fantasy Island.
3) The original series started out by chance
After being exasperated by repeated rejections, producer Aaron Spelling decided to pitch Fantasy Island as a joke to network operators. Surprisingly, not only did the show get selected, it also made stars out of the cast and made the name 'Roarke' famous across households in the 1970s. In this reboot, the island is run by Roarke's grand niece Elena.
Fantasy Island is available to watch on Fox. It can also be streamed on Hulu. The show has been renewed for a second season, which was announced in November.