Netflix's television series Florida Man premiered on April 13, 2023, bringing together an exciting premise about an ex-cop turned gambler who has to go on a complicated mission to his hometown in Florida to rescue a runaway girlfriend for his mob boss. Built around the meme of The Florida Man, which took the internet by storm some time ago, creator Donald Todd dived into the myth with an interesting and bizarre tale of love and absurdity.
With the emergence of thriller-comedy as a mainstream genre, thanks to films like Knives Out and Jojo Rabbit, Florida Man explored the intricacies of criminals and a bizarre amount of incidents that made Mike Valentine (Edgar Ramirez) the center of all the absurdity.
After chasing Delly West (Abbey Lee) in Florida, Mike finally found out that she was after an extraordinary treasure hidden in Florida.
With many twists, the ending was packed with a lot of revelations and a chase for the treasure.
Florida Man ending: Do Mike and Delly end up together?
The first seven episodes of Florida Man, the show indicated that Mike and Delly would go searching for the treasure and start a new life together. This was mainly because Delly found out that Moss (Comry Cohen) killed her father. After she finds out that Mike will be able to help her get the treasure, they start to look forward to finding the treasure.
But when Moss came in the last episode, it seemed that Delly would betray Mike for him as she told Moss about the treasure. She also told Moss that she understood his love for her.
Following this, Iris (Lex Scott Davis) recorded the conversation between Moss and Delly and gave it to Mike, who grew vengeful. Mike made an elaborate plan which included an ambush and his getting arrested. However, things went wrong during the ambush, leading to Iris getting shot.
In the prison, Mike found out that his father was also in the same cell. This was also allegedly not a part of the plan. After Mike got out, he found out that his ex-wife was shot. Moss and Delly intercepted him on his way to the hospital. Moss forced Mike to take him to the location of the treasure.
When Moss discovered that Mike had misled him, they got into a passionate fight, with Mike seemingly losing out to the big man. But Delly intercepted the fight and shot Moss instead. This also proved that Delly was on Mike's side throughout.
Though Mike chose his ex-wife after this altercation over Delly, he eventually got around as he located the treasure with the help of his father, who removed the treasure from its earlier location. He finally conferred with his sister and found out the treasure.
In the last scene of the series, Mike reaches the yacht where the treasure was hidden. He also realized that Delly was there moments ago. After finding the treasure, which was as extravagant as he had imagined, he caught a final glimpse of Delly, hinting that they were about to start a new life together.
All the episodes of Florida Man are now streaming on Netflix.