MTV aired Siesta Key: Miami Moves season 5 episode 9, titled How Do You Know It's Toxic, on Thursday, December 29 at 8 pm ET.
In the episode, Juliette revealed that she was upset with Amanda hanging out at Sam's place, spending the night at his house, and even returning home wearing his T-shirt. Amanda was sad that her friend was causing drama when she was happy.
Juliette and Sam dated for almost two years before breaking up in August 2021.
Chloe was also upset that Amanda was having "slumber parties" at her best friend's ex-boyfriend's house. Juliette discussed the same problem with Jordana (Sam's best friend) who told her that Amanda had spent multiple nights at Sam's house, but many other girls were also there partying every day.
Chloe grew more angry at Amanda when she revealed that Sam was paying for a personal trainer and that she used those services instead of Sam. Calling Amanda a bi**h, Chloe reminded her that her new "friends" did not work and just hung out all day. Amanda also fought with Chloe and said that maybe she should move out of her home.
At an event, Juliette screamed at Amanda from across the bar as she laughed and talked to Sam. She also asked Sam if he likes sleeping with all of her friends. Amanda called Juliette a 'little child' and asked her to concentrate on her relationship with Clark.
Siesta Key: Miami Moves fans were upset with Amanda for not being "loyal" to Juliette and asked her to have a career of her own.
Siesta Key: Miami Moves fans call out Amanda for being "trashy"
Amanda recently graduated but does not have a job yet. Juliette was upset that she had to "cut" Amanda out of her life as she was not being a loyal friend. At the end of the party, Chloe asked Amanda to move out of her house.
Amanda was shocked by this as Chloe was the one who invited her to stay at her house. Amanda also taunted her for marrying a man after having known him for just three months.
Amanda also screamed at Juliette for not listening to her and instead believing Chloe. Siesta Key: Miami Moves fans were shocked by Amanda's behavior and said that she betrayed her best friend.
What happened on Siesta Key: Miami Moves season 5 episode 9?
MTV's description of the episode reads:
"Juliette and Chloe become frustrated by Amanda's disloyal actions; Jordana and Sam's relationship is strained when Jordana finally starts listening to the words of wisdom from her friends."
This week on Siesta Key: Miami Moves, Juliette met Jordana for drinks and asked her if she was fine living with Sam in a party house. Jordana complained about not being alone any time because of all the girls who stayed at his house to "enjoy."
Jordana told Sam about her meeting with Juliette and he reminded her of all the things the latter had said about their lifestyle in the past.
Sam left for a party without Jordana and the two got into a fight about their current living situation. Jordana told Sam that she was not waiting for him to come around and be in a relationship with her.
New episodes of Siesta Key: Miami Moves season 5 air on MTV every Thursday at 8 pm ET.