Matthew Perry rose to fame as Chandler Bing in Friends. Though it has been 25 years since Friends happened, Matthew Perry continues to earn millions as the show's popularity soars in syndication.
The life of fame definitely took its toll on Perry, as he journeyed through the ups and downs of celebrity life ever since he made it a hit in Friends. Here is a look at some lesser-known facts about the actor.
1) Matthew shaped Chandler's character
Matthew Perry's depiction of Chandler was so perfect that it is impossible to imagine anyone else in that role. He was able to breathe life into Chandler's character by projecting his own persona into Chandler and shaping the iconic character. In reality, he is a very shy man who is awkward with the ladies, just like Chandler.
2) He suffered from addiction
After his jet ski accident in 1997, Matthew Perry was prescribed some painkillers. Sadly, he soon became dependent on them. He began to mix them with alcohol, which worsened his addiction. Perry's addiction was widely publicized and the media was heartless about it.
3) Perry roped in Bruce Willis
A number of Hollywood stars made guest appearances on Friends, including Bruce Willis. Best known for his role in the action franchise Die Hard, it seemed unlikely that Willis would appear in a sitcom. The reason he did so was because of Matthew Perry. Bruce Willis lost a bet to Perry and agreed to be on the show.
4) Perry helped with the Friends script
Apparently Matthew Perry was the only person among the six leads of Friends who was allowed to sit with the writers of the show while discussing the script. This was because he was funny in general and was great at coming up with one-liners and jokes. In fact, he contributed a lot to the storyline of Friends.
5) Video Games voiceover
With the rising popularity of video games, many actors are now providing voice-over work to many games. Matthew Perry is one such actor who has ventured into the world of gaming and voiced Benny in the incredibly popular, Fallout New Vegas video game.
Apart from Friends, Matthew Perry has worked in a number of other movies, TV series and even theaters.