The 90s sitcom that still has a cult following is the show Friends. Featuring a group of friends across a span of 10 seasons, this show managed to steal hearts around the globe and become a pop culture sensation. 27 years later, Friends remains an evergreen show with people turning to it for comfort watching, time and again.
Out of all six friends, Joey Tribbiani (portrayed by Matt LeBlanc) is arguably the "best friend" everyone needs in their life. Here's a list of 5 reasons why. Fair warning though, this article may get you nostalgic and binging on Friends again.
Joey Tribbiani: The best friend in 'Friends'
1) He is a great secret keeper
In the episode The One Where Everybody Finds Out, Joey's secret-keeping abilities are really tested when he has to keep Chandler and Monica's relationship a secret from the rest. As hilarious as the "they don't know that we know that they know" game was between the friends, it was especially funny to watch Joey being caught up in the mess. But he did not spill the beans. Isn't that a sign of a great best friend? Who wouldn't want a friend who can keep a secret or two?
2) He makes sacrifices for everyone
Friends is not complete without Joey's large-heartedness. Perhaps that's what makes him the most wholesome of all friends. When a very vegetarian Phoebe was pregnant and started craving meat, he stopped eating meat in solidarity with her.
He let go of his girlfriend Kathy for Chandler (sure, he locked Chandler in a box first but where's the fun without it). These are just two of the many such instances. No wonder everyone dotes on Joey.
3) He is the human version of Hugsy
If there's one man who is never afraid of a good bear hug, it's Joey. Chandler and Joey's hugs are the mark of a great friendship. Not only does he gives the warmest hugs, he's also a great nap partner. Ross had the best nap of his life with Joey. Who wouldn't want a cuddling partner like Joey?
4) He is always there for you, when the rain starts to pour
Whether you need someone to hang out with in Central Perk or someone to loan you money, Joey is always there. He was there when Rachel needed a place to stay. He was there when Monica and Chandler needed money. He'll even get pre-wedding photos clicked with you if your fiancé doesn't know how to smile. Everyone needs a Joey on their bad days and good.
5) He loves to eat
He may not like to share food but he'll eat a bad trifle for you. He'll even join you for a cheesecake treat off the floor. When he finds a pizza on the floor, he gets it to share with his group of friends. Nothing bonds people like the love for food and in that sense, Joey is the best friend there is.