Monica Geller is cleanliness personified. From season 1 of Friends, all the characters knew that nothing should be shifted in the apartment or it would set Monica off. She was a control freak and loved organizing everything, so much so that she would be irked if something did not go according to her plans.
Here are five instances from Friends where Monica Geller was over the top with her cleaning tendencies.
5 times Monica Geller was over the top with her cleaning habit
1) Ross' date

In the episode, The One With the Dirty Girl, Ross started dating a beautiful woman who seemed almost too perfect to be true. However, she had one flaw, her apartment was full of garbage and pretty disgusting. Ross couldn't look past it and it became a dealbreaker for him.
So he broke up with her. However, Monica being the cleanliness freak, could not sleep knowing that the girl's apartment was dirty. So she went to her apartment with a bucket full of cleaning supplies and asked if she could clean the apartment free of charge.
She got the door slammed in her face and in the closing scene, we see her cleaning the doorframe of the girl's apartment.
2) Car cleaning supplies
In one of the episodes of season six, Joey pretended to be the owner of a very expensive car parked outside their apartment. He asked Chandler and Monica if they have any cleaning supplies to wash the car with.
Chandler found it odd, as they did not have a car, but it turned out that Monica had a whole bucket of car cleaning supplies.
Monica explained that there was a dirty car in front of the building once and that she just needed to wash it, leading to her buying the products. But Chandler knows there's more to the story, and Monica eventually revealed that she had cleaned six more cars lined up.
3) Monica's vacuum
In The One Where Chandler Gets Caught, Phoebe and Rachel suspect that Chandler is having an affair. They go see Monica and find her doing what she does best - cleaning. She was cleaning her vacuum with an even smaller handheld vacuum.
Monica ruefully expressed how she wished there was an even smaller vacuum to clean her handheld one. She was indeed the epitome of cleanliness.
4) Monica and the maid
One time, Chandler hired a maid to help take the stress off Monica as she was getting too stressed over cleaning. However, Monica was even more nervous at the thought of someone else doing her cleaning. She even commented that,
"Usually when I am this nervous, I clean"
This sums up Monica Geller.
5) Chandler's paper ball
In the show's first season, when Monica's parents are supposed to visit, she goes into a frenzy cleaning and reorganizing everything in her apartment. She is anxious and agitated with her cleaning and ends up snapping at Chandler for his paper ball.
Monica cannot understand how the latter left the ball of paper so carelessly on the side table. Chandler, now faced with her wrath, wished he were dead rather than commit that grave mistake.
Monica Geller was indeed a cleanliness freak and sometimes went overboard with her tendencies.