The internet is an incredible invention. For most of us, it is synonymous with the globally popular search engine Google. If there is anything you need or want to know about, be assured that Google knows and will let you know of the same. However, there are some things that you are better off not being aware of.
A few terms, objects, and concepts are so vile, disturbing, and stomach-churning that you might want to stay off the internet for a while just to recover from what you have witnessed. On that note, we have put together a list of 10 things you should never google on the search engine.
Blue Waffle, No Sleep, and 8 other things you should never look up

From terrifying to simply time-consuming, these 10 terms have taken the internet by storm, but for the wrong reasons. Be warned that if you choose to search for things on the list below, they may not have pleasant results.
1. Lemon Party
The term lemon is often used to describe an old man. In this context, Lemon Party referred to a shock website that featured video clips of three elderly men engaged in an intimate act. Some people might tell their friends “to just type lemonparty.” However, be warned since the only thing you might find are videos of three naked, elderly men engaging in intimate activities.
2. Blue Waffle
It is a fake s*xually transmitted disease which apparently turns the v*gina blue and disfigured. A lack of hygiene and s*xual promiscuity were claimed as causes for the disease.
3. Jigger fleas
While jiggers are a tool used by bartenders to mix drinks, jigger fleas are parasitic insects that that burrow into the skin and lay eggs. Moreover, the pictures are unsightly, so readers are advised not to google them.
4. No sleep
No sleep is the last thing you want to see if you are looking for a cure for insomnia. Instead, you'll wind up on Reddit's aptly-named horror story forum, which will leave you jumping at any sudden movements.
5. Smoker's Lungs
Googling the words smoker’s lung will bring you images of the lungs of someone who has been smoking for most of their life. It is pretty appalling and sad to witness what smoking can do to your body. Moreover, several images of people who were diagnosed with lung cancer show up. This should be enough motivation to kick the bud.
6. Ring avulsion
Ring avulsion is an injury that occurs when a ring on your finger either catches onto something or is so tight that it severely damages the soft tissue in your finger. The site of a badly bruised, bleeding finger can make anyone squirm in their seat.
7. Rat King
If you are a rodent lover, you will definitely hate this one. On googling this term, you aren't going to see a rat being coronated. Instead, you will see images and videos of rats gathered together in tight spaces, their tails locked together, creating a bizarre image.
8. Moth Larvae
Oral myiasis is an unpleasant condition caused by the larvae of specific dipteran flies. Though it is very common in underdeveloped countries and is easily treatable, don’t google this unless you want to see maggots in someone's mouth.
9. Mr Hands
A former Boeing engineer, Kenneth Pinyan went by the nickname Mr Hands and recorded himself engaging in intimate activities with a horse. When one of his encounters got out of hand, Pinyana succumbed to terrible injuries.
10. L-cysteine in food
L-cysteine is used in commercially produced bread, but do you know what L-cysteine is made of? Human hair that is collected from salon floors. Therefore, make sure to not google this term.
Google is undoubtedly a useful search engine, but not when you want to unsee the results. It is said that "curiosity killed the kat," and perhaps the readers should take this as a warning to never google these aforementioned terms.