In the recent General Hospital episodes, which aired from January 29 to February 2, the storyline took a dramatic turn. Curtis began his rehab while Finn found himself at a moral crossroads. Elsewhere, Tracy confronted Finn's accuser.
Spencer and Trina shared some romantic moments in Paris while Dante and Chase were on a mission to find Esme. Curtis, Portia, and Laura, on the other hand, fought to rescue the children from Esme. Viewers also witnessed Ava and Sonny go through a tough time as they had to deal with some harsh truths, which led to a showdown.
A tragedy also struck Port Charles this week in General Hospital and the community came together to grieve. Loyalties began to shift as characters reappeared and new alliances were formed.
General Hospital recap for the week from January 29 to February 2, 2024
Monday, January 29, 2024
The week started with a mix of emotions for the characters of General Hospital. Curtis was surprised to have Stella by his side as he began his rehab journey. Finn, on the other hand, faced a tough decision while Spencer and Trina enjoyed a romantic time in Paris.
Dante and Chase went on a wild goose chase as they looked for Esme. As secrets were revealed and alliances changed, this episode set the stage for an exciting story of suspense and betrayal.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
The situation escalated when Tracy confronted the woman suing Finn in Port Charles. This led to a series of surprising events. Meanwhile, in Paris, Curtis, Portia, and Laura joined forces to save some kids from Esme.
Spencer found himself caught in a dangerous game while Ava and Sonny dealt with a series of problems. This caused several secrets to come to light and led to a massive showdown on General Hospital.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Carly displayed her determination and strength in this episode as she handled several tricky situations. Ava and Sonny, on the other hand, found themselves in a very dangerous situation that pushed them to their limits.
Fans witnessed Spencer work hard to save Trina from Esme, but things took an unexpected turn at the end.
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Tragedy struck Port Charles as the characters dealt with a heartbreaking loss. While Laura stayed hopeful, Trina felt hopeless. The whole community came together to grieve and support each other.
Josslyn, Felicia, and Adam tried to figure out their complicated friendships and determine their loyalties amid all the chaos in General Hospital.
Friday, February 2, 2024
Things heated up in Port Charles as Trina revealed a shocking secret, sending ripples through the entire community. Laura, on the other hand, dealt with intense feelings of sadness and regret.
Fans also witnessed some old enemies return in this episode of the show, setting the stage for the upcoming installment of General Hospital.
As danger looms in Port Charles, the characters prepare for what lies ahead. The latest episodes of the show featured significant twists in the characters' lives and fans can't wait to see what ABC's General Hospital brings to the table next week.