Gentefied is an American comedy-drama series created by Marvin Lemus and Linda Yvette Chávez. It premiered on Netflix on February 21, 2020, and in May 2020, the series was renewed for a second season. The official synopsis by Netflix reads,
"The Morales cousins scramble to save their grandfather's taco shop-and pursue their own dreams-as gentrification shake up their LA neighbourhood."
Gentefied Season 2 is set to premiere on November 10, 2021, on the Netflix streaming platform exclusively, and here are three reasons why this show cannot be missed.
Three reasons Gentefied Season 2 is a must-watch
1) Gentefied deals with topical issues of migration and deportment
The series follows the Morales cousins as they fight to keep their grandfather (Joaquín Cosío) from being deported to Mexico. Season 2 picks up after last season's finale, seeing Erik Morales and his girlfriend Lidia welcoming their daughter, Delfina. Amid all the happiness, grandfather Pops went missing from the hospital celebration because he was arrested on an outstanding warrant. However, Pops is now free, and with the help of his social media fans and his attorney, he is trying his best to keep himself from getting deported.
The show explores the fear that migrants live in every day, veiled by comic elements that lighten the mood.
2) Striking a balance between the American Dream and indigenous culture
Gentefied deals with gentrification, where a community remodels itself to conform to middle-class taste. The series shows members of the Latinx community attempting to attract non-Latinx groups by Americanizing their taco shop and menu to improve business.
The show concentrates on the first-generation experience of having to figure out what it is to be American and honor your roots by learning to strike a balance. It reaches out to people who find themselves in such an in-between situation.
3) Watch it for America Ferrera
America Ferrera is a woman who is absolutely incredible both on and offscreen. Ferrera plays a double role as executive producer and director in the new Netflix original comedy-drama series Gentefied. Ferrera rose to acclaim in the comedy-drama film The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants in 2005, where she starred alongside Blake Lively, Amber Tamblyn and Alexis Bledel.
Gentefied is a bilingual story dealing with a myriad of themes like family, community, achieving the American Dream, and the ever-changing world we live in. Catch the second season of Gentefied on Netflix on November 10 to find out more.