Netflix's latest satirical comedy, God's Favorite Idiot, was created and written by husband and wife Ben Falcone and Melissa McCarthy, who also star in it. Other cast members include Chris Sandiford, Leslie Bibb, Usman Ally, Kevin Dunn, Yanic Truesdale, Steve Mallory, and Ana Scotney.
The apocalyptic workplace sitcom revolves around Clark, whose life is turned around when he gets struck by lightning and becomes luminescent. He was tasked with spreading God's message as war commenced between Heaven and Hell. He, along with his co-workers and girlfriend Amily, faced Satan and other Biblical entities as hurdles in his job.
The comedy series was released on Netflix on June 15, 2022, and viewers looking for a light-hearted, superficial pastime can tune in to take the edge off the day.
God's Favorite Idiot had Satan on Clark's trail throughout: Did he finally escape her?
Leslie Bibb's run-of-the-mill Satan was tasked with killing Clark, but all her efforts were quashed by Clark's co-workers and Archangel Chamuel (Truesdale) on his side. In the final episode, with Clark and others in the hospital, they learn that at dawn, the Harry Potter-like spell protection around the hospital will wear out, and Satan will be able to get to them.
Dawn arrived, and Satan went inside the hospital, but she could not get a hold of Clark as God herself came down to suggest that he run away with his girlfriend Amily. Instead, she came across Frisbee (Mallory) and bribed him to join her side before throwing him out the window when he refused.
Clark, Amily, and their friends managed to get out of the hospital. At the exit, Clark and Amily came across Reverend Milton Thorp, who was at odds with Clark. In a last-ditch effort, Clark managed to turn the reverend on his side, who then agreed to help Frisbee while the couple ran away from Satan.
The final scene showed Amily and Clark riding off into the dawn as Amily finally confessed her love for him. As Dream A Little Dream Of Me by The Mamas & The Papas played on the radio, they reassured themselves that everything would be okay. However, the cameras zoomed into the flight of locusts following the two, and the show ended with that.
Thus, for the time being, Clark and his co-workers managed to escape Satan, but the ending of God's Favorite Idiot was unclear about where they all went.
What was God's message in God's Favorite Idiot, and did Clark manage to spread it?
Despite being the most atypical candidate for the job, Clark was tasked with spreading God's message, but he didn't know how to go about it. God eventually told him that the message was simply that "everyone was right." The satirical comedy attempted to impart the message that all religions are valid, and as long as God's name is not used to hurt people, God is happy with all types of faith.
Clark tried to spread the message with the help of a reporter but failed. Eventually, in the final episode, he managed to help a staunch, conservative Christian, Reverend Milton Thorp, see the message during a televised interview. So, one can assume that Clark made headway in his job, but with the show ending abruptly, without closure, one cannot know if he succeeded.
God's Favorite Idiot appeared to come to an abrupt end with no actual conclusion to the plot. This could be because Netflix had originally commissioned 16 episodes to be filmed at once, but only eight episodes have been released as part of the first season. With no word on when the other eight episodes will be released, viewers have been left with a cliffhanger situation.
God's Favorite Idiot is now available to watch on Netflix.