NBC's second season of Grand Crew is expected to drop on the channel on Friday, March 3, 2023, at 8.30 pm ET, as per CinemaBlend. The series focuses on a group of friends who go through various pivotal phases in life regarding romance and career. They get together at a local bar and often discuss what's happening in their lives.
The show stars Echo Kellum in one of the key roles, along with many others playing pivotal supporting characters. The series is helmed by Phil Augusta Jackson.
Grand Crew season 2 on NBC: Trailer, what to expect, and more details explored.
On January 15, 2023, NBC dropped the official trailer for season 2 of Grand Crew, and it briefly depicts several important events set to unfold in the highly anticipated second installment.
The trailer opens with the group sitting in their favorite bar and drinking, following which a hilarious sequence of events begins to unfold. The trailer is spoiler-free, but it establishes the series' quirky and lighthearted tone that fans of the first season would be familiar with. Along with the trailer, NBC shared an official description of the show on their YouTube channel:
''From the creator and writer/producer of Brooklyn Nine-Nine comes a new comedy with an all-Black cast that proves everything’s better with your crew! They are all trying to live their best lives in LA—and they always find time to gather at their favorite wine bar to discuss everything that’s going on.''
The synopsis further reads,
''There’s Noah, a hopeless romantic in a hurry to settle down; his sister Nicky, who lives her life to the fullest; Sherm, an unexpected genius who plays the dating odds; Anthony, a finance guy who’s all about his career; Wyatt, who’s happy to be married and out of the dating scene; and Fay, an LA transplant who becomes fast friends with the crew. They’re a perfect blend – and with each other’s help, they might just be able to figure this crazy life out. Here’s to them!''
Based on the synopsis and trailer, fans can look forward to a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining season replete with moments of joy, sadness, and silliness as the series continues to explore the eventful lives of the titular group of friends.
The first season of the show received highly positive reviews from critics and viewers, with praise mostly directed towards the series' sharp writing, unique style of humor, and performances by the cast, among numerous other things.
A quick look at the Grand Crew season 2 cast and plot.
Grand Crew stars Echo Kellum in one of the key roles as Noah Koles. Noah is a deeply romantic man who loves to look at his own life as a rom-com. Kellum is a fascinating character and his sense of humor, wit, and charm define the series' tone.
Actor Echo Kellum's other notable acting credits include Arrow, Sean Saves the World, and The Old Man, to name a few. The rest of the cast includes actors like Justin Cunningham as Wyatt Fields, Nicole Byer as Nicky Koles, and Carl Tart as Sherm Jones, among many others.
Don't miss the brand-new season of Grand Crew on NBC on Friday, March 3, 2023.