Greta Gerwig's 2017 movie Lady Bird is one of those films that takes a little bit more time to set in. The movie may seem like a regular coming-of-age comedy-drama on a single watch. However, the more times you watch it, the more meaning you find in it.
Like any other woman in her teens, Christine McPherson (played by Saoirse Ronan), who refers to herself as Lady Bird, is trying to navigate her way through life. She is at a critical point in her life where she has to decide what she wants to do next. She is a senior at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic High School and her ambitions go way beyond her and her parents' capacity.
But like any other teenager, she has big dreams and would go to extreme lengths to make things happen for her. Along the way, she faces several hurdles in terms of her academics, friendships, and relationships and, sometimes these hurdles make her hopeless and lose the meaning of life. But she does not give up, she battles through and finally achieves what she wants.
Note: This is based on the writer's opinion.
Lady Bird teaches you to take pride in your individuality

In Lady Bird, Saoirse Ronan's character struggles through every step of her life. Despite that, she never gives up on her dreams or herself. She believes that she can upgrade her life and for that, she does everything in her capacity. Even if it means indulging in verbal altercations with her near and dear ones.
In the movie, the audiences get a glimpse at several such instances where despite the criticism, the titular character holds her ground and takes pride in her individuality.
One such incident of prominence was the scene where she goes shopping for her prom dress with her mother. After going through several dresses she finally likes one which is "too pink" for her mother. After a brief discussion, Christine is left demoralized. However, despite the verbal dispute between the two, she purchases the dress and even wears it to her prom.
Lady Bird teaches you to embrace your mistakes

Throughout the entire movie, the titular character makes several mistakes, which are often too big to ignore. However, she takes accountability for those mistakes, learns from them, and moves on.
Making mistakes is one of the best ways of learning lessons in life however as a teenager Lady Bird is learning that lesson through experience. And she does a good job at it. For example, when she messes up her friendship with Julie in the movie and realizes what she has done, she wastes no time to accept her mistakes and make amends for the same.
Lady Bird also teaches you to embrace your mistakes. For example, when Christine finally leaves for college in New York, her mother refuses to see her off and doesn't see eye to eye with her. She drives off but soon realizes her mistake and rushes towards the airport to bid her goodbye. However, it is too late before she arrives.
Lady Bird teaches you the true meaning of friendship

Throughout the entire course of the movie when Lady Bird is going through her journey she comes across several other people who are going through their journeys. They crossed paths, became acquaintances, and then friends, but none of those friendships was as meaningful as the one she shared with Julianne Steffans or Julie (played by Beanie Feldstein).
While working at a cafe for a brief period, Christine gets involved with Timothee Chalamet's Kyle Scheible. The excitement of the new relationship soon cut through her past relationships, affecting the friendship between her and Julie. She then meets Odeya Rush's Jenna Walton whom she swiftly befriended. The three often hang out together without Julie.
Julie, angry about being left back, befriends other people to make Christine jealous. However, that is not what brought the two best friends together again. While Christine hangs out with Kyle and Jenna, over time she realizes that they are not her people. After the realization she quickly rekindles her friendship with Julie, her only friend who truly understood her.
Lady Bird teaches you to prioritize your personal growth

One of the most important things that Lady Bird teaches everyone is to prioritize personal goals and embrace change. While in her last year of school, Christine, develops an interest in going out of her hometown towards the East Coast and studying. Her dreams are big but the means to achieving them are limited.
Christine's parents have certain financial constraints due to which her ambitions seem a bit too farsighted. But she does not give up. Throughout the process, she comes face to face with several challenges. These challenges sometimes created hurdles but she always recovered stronger on the other side of it. At the end of the movie, she finally gets accepted to a university in New York that she wants to go to.
Lady Bird teaches you to look away from the facade of external appearances

Lady Bird teaches you to not give in to your presumptions about a person based on their physical appearance. While looking at a person you may feel a certain way about them but a deep dive into their lives might imply something else.
While on her journey of self-discovery and acceptance, Christine comes across Kyle Scheible, a student at a boys' school. He is also a bassist in his band L’Enfance Nue. Mysterious in several ways Kyle caught the attention of Christine and the two soon became romantically involved.
However, through multiple interactions, she realizes that Kyle is not exactly how he portrays himself to be or how she feels he is.
Lady Bird is available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video.