Suits, an American courtroom drama television series, created and written by Aaron Korsh, aired on June 23, 2011, making its debut on the USA Network. The show concluded on September 25, 2019, following nine seasons and 134 episodes. After the show was added to Peacock and Netflix in 2023, its popularity skyrocketed, inspiring NBCUniversal to start work on a brand-new spin-off series, titled Suits: L.A.
Suits is primarily the story of Mike Ross, a smart college dropout, who finds himself in partnership with one of New York City's top attorneys, Harvey Specter. Harvey and Mike make a formidable duo, but must keep their relationship a secret from everyone.
In Suits, Gretchen Bodinski, portrayed by Aloma Wright, debuts as a supporting actor in season 5 episode 2, titled Compensation. Harvey Specter hired Gretchen to take Donna Paulsen's place after she left to work for Louis Litt. An experienced legal secretary with over 20 years of experience, Gretchen doesn't hesitate to voice her opinions.
What makes Gretchen one of the likable characters in Suits?
While working as a legal secretary at the esteemed Pearson Hardman law office, Gretchen initially seems to be a supporting character in the show. However, she brings a distinct energy to the series that is both engaging and inspirational. She continually demonstrates that she is a priceless resource for the lawyers she represents.
Her excellent organizational abilities, astute intelligence, and great eye for detail make sure that nothing is overlooked in the fast-paced field of business law. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind in the show, and her leadership skills mark her authenticity and place her among the liked characters of the show.
Gretchen finds Louis a midwife class in season 8, episode 7, so he can spend more time with Sheila Sazs, who is the one he is having a kid with. However, things pan out differently when Louis informs Gretchen that the pregnancy was a false positive.
Gretchen understands the pain underneath his smile as she hugs him and tells him:
“You don't need to be strong for me. Louis”.
Such moments in the series humanize her and make her much-loved among fans.
Why did Harvey hire Gretchen without a second thought?
Harvey sat through several interviews in season 5 episode 2, looking for a replacement for Donna Paulsen. He spoke with the first blonde, and when she was finished, he quickly rushed outside and asked Gretchen in.
Once they were inside, he asked her how long she's been working and if she's competent at what she does. Before she can even take a seat, he hires her.
Her answer to Harvey’s question on how good is she with her work impresses him as Gretchen answers:
“I am great at what I do.”
During an interview with Yahoo TV, Suits creator Aaron Korsh explained, in part, why Harvey chooses Gretchen. He explained that it was because Harvey did not want to repeat the Donna situation. He elaborated:
“On the surface, she’s nothing like Donna, but once you get to know her, they share some qualities.”
Gretchen's mistake in Suits
In season 8, episode 8, titled Coral Gables, Alex Williams (Dule Hill) gives Gretchen (Aloma Wright) an order to see that a package containing vital documents is delivered. Unfortunately, Donna's (Sarah Rafferty) documents get mixed up with Gretchen's package. Thus, the package belonging to Alex that requires a signature from Louis gets left behind in the room.
Gretchen tries to make things right after finding the package in Donna's office. She gets shouted at by Alex when her plans to save the day fail. She is sorry for her honest error and to demonstrate her commitment towards the company, decides to resign on account of her failing to be a good secretary.
Gretchen is a partner who strives for accuracy, but she also has the humility to own up to her mistakes and grow from them. Some of her biggest qualities include her capacity to comprehend, listen, and help people reach their objectives. She also mentors staff members because she is an innate leader and motivator.