Hallmark's upcoming romantic comedy movie, titled When Love Springs, is all set to premiere on the channel on Saturday, May 6, 2023. The movie revolves around a woman who's preparing for her parents' vow renewal ceremony and arrives at a gorgeous B&B where she meets her former lover who broke her heart.
The film focuses on how she tries to deal with an awkward situation as she starts pretending that the owner of the B&B is her new boyfriend. Here's a look at the official synopsis of the movie, as per Hallmark Channel:
''When Rory arrives at a quaint B&B on the lake for the vow renewal of her parents, she runs into her ex who broke her heart. Panicked, she pretends the B&B owner is her new boyfriend.''
The movie stars Rhiannon Fish in the lead role, along with various others playing important supporting characters. The movie is directed by Jo-Anne Brechin and written by Ansley Gordon.
When Love Springs cast list: Rhiannon Fish and others to star in new Hallmark romantic comedy
1) Rhiannon Fish as Rory Richards
Rhiannon Fish dons the lead role of Rory Richards in Hallmark's When Love Springs. Rory is a young, cheerful woman who's excited about her parents' vow renewal ceremony. However, her life takes a surprising turn when she meets her ex-boyfriend with whom she had a bad breakup. She then pretends the owner of the new B&B is her new boyfriend in order to make her ex jealous.
Rhiannon Fish looks charming and impressive in the film's preview, promising to deliver a memorable performance in the movie. Apart from When Love Springs, Fish is known for her appearances in various other movies like A Splash of Love, For the Love of Chocolate, Journey of My Heart, and Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made, to name a few.
2) James William O'Halloran
Actor James William O'Halloran essays the character of Noah Bardon in the new Hallmark romantic comedy flick. Noah is the owner of the B&B, and he pretends to be Rory's new boyfriend. Although awkward at first, the couple ultimately forms a bond and soon falls in love. The two share sizzling onscreen chemistry.
James William O'Halloran's other notable acting credits include Kidnapped to the Island, Deadly Crush, and Suburban Swingers Club, among many more.
3) Callan Colley as Jason
Callan Colley plays the character of Jason in When Love Springs. Jason is Rory's ex-boyfriend who broke her heart. After they meet at the B&B, things between them become more awkward when Rory decides to pretend that Noah is her new boyfriend to make Jason jealous.
Callan looks brilliant in the film's preview and viewers can expect him to deliver an impressive performance in the movie. He has previously appeared in This Time, Maybe and has voiced the character of Boof in Maya the Bee: The Golden Orb.
Apart from Rhiannon Fish, James William O'Halloran, and Callan Colley, the movie also stars a number of other prominent actors who portray crucial supporting/minor characters like:
- Erin Connor as Lyla Richards
- Victor Parascos as Peter Bardon
- Renee Herbert as Cleo Richards
- Janaki Gerard as Penny Traverse
- Steve Nation as Tom Richards
You can watch When Love Springs on Hallmark Channel on Saturday, May 6, 2023, at 8 pm ET.