Halloween Ends, the highly awaited and nail-biting sequel to 2021's Halloween Kills, has finally premiered in theaters in the US and on the popular streaming platform Peacock, this Friday, October 14, 2022. It is the thirteenth installment in the iconic Halloween franchise, completing the much-celebrated and popular H40 trilogy.
David Gordon Green, Paul Brad Logan, Chris Bernier, and Danny McBride have served as the screenplay writers for Halloween Ends, while David Gordon Green has acted as the director of the brand-new slasher movie.
The official synopsis for Halloween Ends, released by Peacock, reads:
"After 45 years, the most acclaimed, revered horror franchise in film history reaches its epic, terrifying conclusion as Laurie Strode faces off for the last time against the embodiment of evil, Michael Myers, in a final confrontation unlike any captured on-screen before. Only one of them will survive."
The latest slasher movie has already started to receive a lot of positive responses from viewers all across the world for its gripping storyline and fitting ending to the movie.
The ending of Halloween Ends explained
Does Corey die?
The 13th installment in the fan-favorite Halloween franchise, Halloween Ends, focuses on a brand new character, Corey, played by Rohan Campbell, from the beginning of the movie.
Although the characters Laurie Strode, reprised by Jamie Lee Curtis, and Michael Myers, reprised by both Courtney and Castle, are at the very heart of the movie, Corey's character is undoubtedly the most striking.
Corey is seen as the scapegoat of Haddonfield town. With Michael Myers nowhere to be found, the town that lives with terror in its bones desperately needs a villain. So they fashion one out of Corey.
Corey has a tragic life since he accidentally kills the boy he is supposed to babysit. Ever since, his entire life has been turned upside down. He has become a punching bag for the bullies of the town. However, the story takes a different turn when he encounters the infamous masked killer, The Shape, aka Michael Myers.
When Michael frees him without killing him, the two seem to form a bond, leading to a blood spree in the doomed town of Haddonfield. Corey goes rogue and starts killing everyone who has ever tortured or bullied him.
However, Laurie realizes that something has gone wrong with Corey, who is also in a romantic relationship with her granddaughter, Allyson, portrayed by Andi Matichak.
She is seen tricking Corey to stop him from committing further massacres, however, he gets the upper hand and stabs his neck to make Laurie look like his murderer in front of Allyson.
However, Corey soon appears to be alive. However, he passes away soon after Michael Myers enters Laurie's home and quickly snaps his neck. Thereafter, Corey is not seen again in Halloween Ends, denoting that he is dead.
However, keeping in mind the franchise's resurrection theme and the bond between Corey and Michael, it won't be too surprising if Corey returns in the future.
What happens to Michael Myers?
After swiftly breaking Corey's neck, Michael begins searching for Laurie, and upon finding her, a deadly battle between the two starts. Laurie is seen escaping death several times. However, she finally gets hold of the masked monster by nailing him down with knives on her kitchen table.
In a moment of bone-chilling terror, The Shape grabs Laurie's neck and starts choking her to death. However, Laurie's granddaughter Allyson arrives at the right moment to save her grandmother from the claws of the sinister murderer. Thereafter, Laurie, with her granddaughter's help, is able to kill Michael Myers.
In the movie's final scene, Michael's body is taken to the salvage yard by the two, along with police and the entire town of Haddonfield, who arrive to end the evil once and for all.
Laurie puts Myers's body into a massive metal shredder machine in the salvage yard. As Allyson pushes the button, Laurie and the entire town witness the evil monster getting crushed in a gory fashion. It looks like Michael Myers is finally dead for good.
Don't forget to watch Halloween Ends, currently streaming on Peacock, from Friday, October 14, 2022.