Harlem, the new comedy series from writer Tracy Oliver, follows a group of stylish and ambitious best girlfriends in Harlem. The four women entering their thirties bring watchers a lot of comedy and fun, as they navigate their professional lives and balance their relationships, all while trying to climb to the top and fulfill their big dreams.
Harlem is coming to Amazon Prime on December 3, 2021. Here are three reasons why Harlem might be the ultimate comedy series ever made.
Representation in 'Harlem'
Harlem is a show that tells the stories of Black lives. We have plenty of TV series on female friendships like Sex and the City, that tell the tales of high class successful white women living their dream lives. Harlem breaks away from that to show us the lives of four successful colored women living life on their own terms.
From the show's storylines to the offscreen crew who created the show, Harlem celebrates Black women and Black stories. The show dives into Black identities and shows us the vibrant and colorful life in the center of America's Black culture, Harlem.
Powerful female characters
Harlem is a contemporary story of Black women in a White world making their own way and striving for success at the personal and professional level. At the same time, they're redefining love and relationships.
The show brings viewers four women with dimension and complexity, exploring what it’s like to be a woman in 2021. It is relatable for every woman striving to achieve something and make a place for themselves in a world that constantly keeps pushing them down.
Tracy Oliver's comedy
Tracy Oliver is a name to be reckoned with in the world of entertainment. With record-breaking comedies like Girls Trip, First Wives Club, and other projects to her name, Oliver has made a name for herself as one of the freshest and most prominent voices in show business.
With Harlem, a goldmine of inside jokes and hilarious situations, the talented writer and producer has made it clear that she is here to stay and make it big in the world of entertainment.
Catch Harlem streaming on Amazon Prime from December 3, 2021.