DC superhero Hawkman was created by writer Gardner Fox and artist Dennis Neville. The character was first introduced in the debut issue of Flash Comics in January 1940. The winged warrior is set to make his big screen debut with the DC Comics Extended Universe (DCEU) film Black Adam, which is scheduled to be released on October 21, 2022.
Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, the film stars Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as the eponymous antihero Black Adam, who is best known for being the antagonist of the hero Shazam.
Aldis Hodge stars as Carter Hall, aka Hawkman, in the highly anticipated DCEU movie. American archeologist Carter Hall became the winged superhero after discovering he was the reincarnation of the ancient Egyptian Prince Khufu Kha-Tarr, who enslaved Black Adam.
Along with Kent Nelson, aka Doctor Fate (played by Pierce Brosnan), Hawkman became one of the founding members of DC's first superhero team, the Justice Society of America (JSA), which was the predecessor of the Justice League.
5 unique superpowers of Hawkman that make him stand out
1) He can communicate with birds and animals
Hawkman is endowed with several unique abilities. His hawk-like eyesight and range of vision are more acute than normal human beings. He also possesses exceptionally sharp auditory senses that help him perceive sounds more clearly than an average human.
Another fascinating superpower of the superhero is his ability to talk to various species of animals and birds. Poseidon, the god of the sea, also granted him the ability to breathe underwater, which he used to defeat the Kogats. He is also adept at archeology and has a keen interest in scientific inventions.
2) He has the ability to fly
Carter Hall uses his creative skills to construct a belt and boot combo made out of a metallic substance known as "Nth Metal," which gives him his superior ability of flight. He also uses the Nth Metal to fashion feathered wings that he wears on his back to facilitate better navigation of his flight pattern.
The Nth Metal used in Hawkman's wings, belt, harness, and boots is native to the planet Thanagar and allows the user to defy gravity by using their mental control. Although Hawkman can flap his wings using his shoulder motions, he uses them to control his flight.
3) Additional abilities due to the Nth Metal
The Nth Metal in Hawkman's wings, belt, and boots also enhances his strength and regulates his body temperature, preventing the need for heavy protective clothing while flying at higher altitudes. The Nth Metal also bonds with the superhero and accelerates his healing ability, allowing him to sustain himself for longer periods.
The metal's special regenerative properties can also regrow the user's body parts and resurrect him. Apart from healing the user, the Nth Metal can also nullify the recovery abilities of the user's opponent. It can also be commanded by thought to shape into weapons like maces or armor that can speed up the healing process of wounds. It can also manipulate electromagnetic fields as well as nuclear forces.
4) Abilities due to his reincarnation
The philosophy of reincarnation allows an individual to persist even after their body's death. Hawkman's miraculous reincarnation imbued him with a slew of astonishing abilities that helped him defend the Earth.
When the archeologist Carter Hall regained memories of his first life in Egypt as the ancient Egyptian Prince Khufu Kha-Tarr, he automatically gained centuries worth of memories and knowledge. The memories of his multiple incarnations make him an expert in using various archaic weapons, including battle axes, maces, swords, spears, and shields.
5) He also has leadership qualities
Hawkman's reincarnation awards him knowledge of hundreds of languages and experiences. All these qualities combine to make Carter Hall a brilliant tactician and a strong leader, apart from being a fierce warrior. It is no wonder that he eventually became the leader of DC's first superhero team, the Justice Society of America (JSA), which served as a predecessor of the Justice League.
Don't forget to watch Black Adam at a theater near you.