Netflix's latest high school drama Heartbreak High recently premiered on Wednesday, September 14, 2022. The eight-episode journey into the heart of an Australian high school was a pleasant journey made even better by an exceptionally well-planned plot and excellent performances by nearly all of the lead actors. The show also had a great hook that worked almost throughout the entire season.
The plot of Heartbreak High revolved around Amerie (Ayesha Madon), who simultaneously became the victim of the entire school's hatred and lost her best friend.
The show's ending dealt with unraveling the mystery behind the rift between Amerie and her best friend Harper (Asher Yasbincek), and also served as a kind of redemption arc for one of the characters. The season concluded on a high note, leaving viewers wanting more.
Read on to decipher the ending of Heartbreak High and what it meant.
Heartbreak High ending explained: What did Amerie do to make Harper angry?
Harper's anger towards Amerie was the major hook in the series. The show began to build a mystery around this rift from the first episode, gradually revealing glimpses of the night that led to Harper's massive transformation. In flashbacks, Harper is portrayed as a bubbly girl with long hair and a sweet demeanor. Harper, on the other hand, has a gothic appearance with short hair (some call her Eleven) and imploding morals from the first episode.
The final episode of Heartbreak High focused on unraveling this mystery that plagued both Amerie and the viewers for the entirety of the other episodes. After Amerie confronted Harper for the last time, she revealed that when they went to the party, Amerie had left her to go elsewhere. That time, Amerie began a one-night stand with the school bully, Spider (Bryn Chapman Parish).
Harper had become inebriated at the party, and without Amerie around, some guys took advantage of the situation and put her in a car. Harper regained consciousness to find herself in a car with five boys, one of whom was Cash (Will McDonald). Cash, being the good guy he is, helped Harper escape the car when it came to a stop at a gas station.
The boys chased after her but she managed to outrun them. When an injured and battered Harper reached Amerie's house, Amerie did not answer the door. Amerie was involved with Spider at the time and did not want anyone to know. Another incident at her home following this, involving her father, set Harper off. She felt betrayed by Amerie and everyone around her. She shaved her head and assumed a new personality.
After talking this out, they solved the miscommunication and became friends again. Cash eventually helped the girls identify the perpetrators by sending in a video they saw that night. This meant Cash was arrested, but not before he arrived at the school and told Darren (James Majoos) about his feelings.
All but one of the group's perpetrators were apprehended because he was not in the video. At the end of the episode, Amerie and Harper discovered him in a drive-thru and set fire to his car.This concluded the season's episode, bringing the series to a close on a high note.
All episodes of Heartbreak High are now streaming on Netflix.