Netflix's massively hit dating show Love Is Blind Season 2 recently premiered on February 11. The show gained massive viewership in its first and second seasons. Surprisingly, the makers have confirmed the show's third season as well, which has already been filmed. However, viewers will have to be on the edge of their seats to see further updates.
The reality dating show has been running since 2020 and also topped the list as the most-watched show on Netflix that year.
How to enroll your name in Love Is Blind
The three-week dating marathon features people genuinely looking for love regardless of shape and size. Thirty single contestants from different backgrounds and professions have signed up for the show to find the love of their lives without seeing who they are dating.
For starters, the show signs up singles who are above the age of 21. Makers are looking for genuine marriage-minded people who want to find love and not just appear on TV. The contestants should also be residing in the city where the season will be filmed.
Chris Coelen, the creator of the series, described the casting intentions to Entertainment Weekly. He stated:
“We have a great casting department, and they reached out to people who they felt would be genuinely interested in this kind of commitment,”
Coelen further explained:
“I think that’s really key; we want people who aren’t just doing it for the attention. There’s certainly plenty of places for people who want to do stuff for the attention. We wanted to be really dealing with people who were genuinely interested in it.”
The third season of the series has been filmed. But if singles wish to find love in a future season, then they will have to fill out an application form available on the series' casting website.
The application process requires the applicants to share everything about themselves. It asks for a lot of personal information, including relationship history, how your family and friends would describe you, and what marriage means to you.
Once the casting team of Love Is Blind spots a genuine candidate, they call them first. Furthermore, the candidate has to sit down for an interview on Skype with the team. Sometimes, candidates have to appear in interviews more than once, depending on their profile.