Bling Empire, Netflix’s unscripted docuseries that revolves around rich Asian socialities in America, recently faced adversity. The show, which saw several cast members come together and leave a mark on society and television, lost a star. Anna Shay, the OG cast member and matriarch of the show, passed away on Monday after experiencing a stroke. She was 62.
Anna was one of the most celebrated cast members of the Netflix show and was known for her one-liners and her positive outlook on life.
Her family announced her demise in a statement that stated that the Bling Empire was a loving mother, grandmother, “charismatic star”, and their biggest ray of sunshine. Several cast members of the show opened up about Shay’s demise. Kane Lim said while in conversation with Style that they had so many great memories together and a wonderful, genuine friendship both on and off camera. Mimi Morris stated that Anna was a real person.
Bling Empire cast pays tribute to Anna Shay as she passes away from a stroke
The Bling Empire matriarch, Anna Shay passed away on Monday, June 5, 2023. Her family opened up about Anna’s demise in a statement that they provided to The Associate Press.
The statement read:
"It saddens our hearts to announce that Anna Shay, a loving mother, grandmother, charismatic star, and our own brightest ray of sunshine, has passed away. Anna taught us many life lessons on how not to take life too seriously and to enjoy finer things. Her impact on our lives will be forever missed but never forgotten."
Several Bling Empire cast members opened up about their relationship with Anna either on their social media accounts or in conversation with different publications. Mimi Morris took to Instagram to share a group photo of the cast, with the caption stating that their “hearts still ache in sadness.” She added that the Bling Empire family lost such an amazing friend. She further wrote that Anna will be missed dearly.
Jeff Jenkins, one of the producers of the Netflix show, also paid tribute to the late socialite through his Instagram in a lengthy caption. He wrote that Anna was the “real life Aunty Mame,” who swept all of them up into her spontaneous and preposterous adventures while gently offering them her common-sense wisdom during their most challenging times.
He added:
"She didn’t care much for her “bling” but deeply loved her son and her parents. I adored her. The show Bling Empire would not have existed without her. She gave everything and took nothing. I will miss her every day for the rest of my life."
Kim Lim, another cast member, wrote on his social media that Anna had a “nonchalance” about her that was mesmerizing and captivated audiences around the world. He added that he was lucky to have gotten to know the real her. He stated that they had a real friendship, and while they were portrayed as “a little crazy” on the Netflix show, she knew who he really was as a person and that she had his back in the end.
He continued that they spent most of the pandemic together, “slaying it on Rodeo dr, grocery shopping, making Japanese plum wine and doing silly things.”
Shay is survived by her son Kenny Kemp.
Episodes of Bling Empire seasons 1–3 are available to stream on Netflix.