The movie adaptation of the horror video game series Five Nights at Freddy’s, with the acronym FNAF, is running successfully in theatres. Besides the lead human characters, Mike, Abby, Vanessa, and Afton, the lead animatronic characters are Freddy Fazbear, Foxy, Chica, and Bonnie. The movie ends with the animatronics killing Afton, their culprit.
However, in the original game series, which has multiple levels to play, one of the characters, Bonnie, disappeared mysteriously. There are many fan theories, some of which connect to the canon storyline, while some are speculations. While Bonnie was murdered, his murderer can be Mimic, Afton, or Monty. The newest release of the video game, titled Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach, has some pointers to explore the animatronic bunny’s disappearance and apparent death.
Disclaimer: The opinions presented in this article belong to the author and fan theories.
Bonnie’s death explained according to the theories of FNAF fans

The fan theories following the video game series say that Bonnie met his end in the hands of William Afton. In FNAF 3, Bonnie was led to the Safe Room by Shadow Freddy. While Bonnie was not able to enter the room, Afton attacked him and tore him apart.
At this time, Jeremy and others arrived at the spot and barred Afton from escaping from the spot. This resulted in Afton’s death, while the remains of Bonnie remained strewn on the floor. After a few years, Bonnie’s remains were salvaged and put up for display within the restaurant.
As per FNAF: Security Breach and Ruin, Bonnie’s dead body was found with cleaning bots
In the game, Bonnie is found murdered with his body broken apart and holes in his chest and head. Moreover, his body was hidden behind an Easter egg and surrounded by cleaning bots that must be deactivated. Cassie finds Bonnie. When she finds him, his eyes appear to be glowing. However, he dies soon.
In the game, there is no clear theory about who killed Bonnie, though the common guess is Monty. Monty the Gator took up the guitarist’s spot in the band after Bonnie disappeared. This makes him the obvious murderer. The few facts pointing towards Monty are that he was jealous of Bonnie, there were claw marks on Bonnie’s chest, and his head was smashed with a bowling ball.
The main point that counters this opinion is that before disappearing, Bonnie was in Monty’s Gator Golf. However, Bonnie was killed with a bowling ball found next to his body and not a golf club. Moreover, Monty inherited his claws after Bonnie’s disappearance.
According to fan theories mentioned earlier, William Afton was the murderer of Bonnie. Another theory points to a character named Mimic to be the killer of Bonnie. However, most of the alternate theories are guesses made by players and fans.
Who is Bonnie seen in FNAF?

Bonnie, who is one of the animatronic characters seen in the FNAF movie, is an important character in the FNAF world. Bonnie is a minor antagonist presented as a rabbit in blue fur with a red bow-tie. He is part of the band and has a guitar in his hands.
In the game, he is shown to be a slow but very aggressive antagonist. While slow in moving, Bonnie never backtracks. In FNAF: Security Breach, Bonnie is not fully visible in the early part of the game, although there are lots of references throughout the game.
The two ways of knowing about Bonnie are playing the Security Breach game or watching the movie, which debuted in theatres on October 27, 2023.