Among Us, as everyone knows, is played by a lot of people around the world. But how can anyone claim that they're better than someone at the game without numbers to back them up?
With how popular the game has become, some people may want to know just how they fare in the game. Among Us allows players to check multiple statistics in the game to see exactly what they have done in the time they have played the game.
Newer players can read further to find out just how to check their statistics in Among Us.
How to check the overall statistics in Among Us?
It's not very difficult to check a player's statistics. The method to check the overall stats is the same for PC and handheld devices.
All that players need to do is fire up the game, and right on the first screen that appears, there are small circular buttons in the bottom row.
Players should then click on the circle with the bar graphs. This brings up a nice little window where all the relevant statistics of the player are shown in a list.
From the times the player has completed the game to the times the player has successfully won a game, this stat log contains all the records.
Despite being very simplistic, Among Us is pretty intense a game. Players need to really be attentive while playing this game if they truly want to enjoy it. While remotely playing with friends is recommended, playing on random public servers can sometimes yield very interesting plays as well.
Among Us has been around for close to two years but the game rose to popularity only during the pandemic. Streamers started playing the game and all of a sudden Among Us took the entire world by storm.
Among Us has seen a massive rise in popularity recently and will likely continue growing. Even though the objective of the game is the same, players will continuously keep coming up with new strategies to win the game.